Pat's interview on "Rizzo & Jeff"

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.
I dont care if the cops find whoever might be swatting Pat, I hope they do. I just don't like the media doing Pat's bidding and making him appear like a 'deer in the headlights' victim.
Thats the thing. The people that troll him here doesnt mean he got swatted from here. Getting trolled and losing his lawsuit are separate from the swattiing until there is actual proof it was from here. He gets trolled from all over the internet.


I tried listening to the entire podcast to get a feel for the show and just couldn't do it. It seems like an extremely hacky Pittsburgh sports talk show. It hits the traditional jocktober hallmarks like the wacky radio voices and crazy bits. It's really hard to follow as they do things like talking about Kenny Pickens and segwaying right into people called the daddies, I had no idea what the fuck was going on.

Pat's absence from Niki's grandfather's funeral to attend to a sick cat is a little fishy. It's a fucking cat and she likely drove. Keep the cat at the hotel room and occasionally excuse yourself to give it medicine.

My favorite part hands down was when they called pat a public figure and it stopped him in his fucking tracks. He was completely torn from admitting the board falls into protected satire and his own ego and esteem as a very special boy.


I tried listening to the entire podcast to get a feel for the show and just couldn't do it. It seems like an extremely hacky Pittsburgh sports talk show. It hits the traditional jocktober hallmarks like the wacky radio voices and crazy bits. It's really hard to follow as they do things like talking about Kenny Pickens and segwaying right into people called the daddies, I had no idea what the fuck was going on.

Pat's absence from Niki's grandfather's funeral to attend to a sick cat is a little fishy. It's a fucking cat and she likely drove. Keep the cat at the hotel room and occasionally excuse yourself to give it medicine.

My favorite part hands down was when they called pat a public figure and it stopped him in his fucking tracks. He was completely torn from admitting the board falls into protected satire and his own ego and esteem as a very special boy.
I tapped out at the start. Sick of his lies*. You got a time stamp on the public figure thing?

Or any funny bits?

*he never said he personally didnt find norm funny.


The Night Time Attitude
If you split Pat in two using science, the two halves would look like Rizzo and Jeff. 🤢🤮

Nice quilted toilet paper jacket, stupid


Just listened to it and took some notes:

This did not start with us, nor did it start with a Norm Macdonald tweet. Patrick's entire online persona is somebody that starts fights on the internet. If you go to his own website and go to his about page, his own bio reads "He can often be found starting huge fights on twitter". Among many other gruesome things, he has called for the rape and execution of his political rivals, he has vowed to utterly ruin the lives of anyone who voted Republican in the last 2 elections and get them fired from their jobs and disowned from their families. While our community did discover him from the Norm Macdonald tweet, that was hardly the start of his internet troubles. He is an extremely abrasive and condescending person, and has a very odd way of talking down to people, calling them "child" and "sweetie" and "little nothing", and he replies to every single troll message imaginable against the advice of his friends, family, and lawyers - and as everybody knows, the more attention you give to the trolls, the more they are going to troll you. For example, the first time I visited his Twitter, the first thing I saw on there was a picture of a black penis peeing on his face that someone had sent him and that he tweeted out to his tens of thousands of followers saying “Look at this! Look what the trolls are doing to me!”

Patrick hasn’t been swatted 6 times, he has been swatted 4 times, and all 4 incidents have occurred within the past 2 and a half months. It is unlikely that anyone from the opie and Anthony community is behind it as our group has been more or less the same few dozen people, and even the people who have taken it too far have gone 4 years without doing anything close to swatting him. There is another website called Kiwifarms, where Patrick has exploded in popularity in the last year and a half after he tried to subpoena them for his lawsuit. Since trying to subpoena them, his forum thread there has exploded from 6 pages to over 1,100 something pages.

There is no political angle to any of this.

Patrick is not an author. He is an insurance salesman. His sales numbers are public information as are his insurance licenses. His scifi writing is an has always been a hobby that brings in a hundred dollars every 6 months.
This should be saved as the official scripted response to any outside media reporting on Fat.
Did anyone actually get a Logan Lynn gig cancelled? It sounds like Pat is attaching a Joe Cumia thing to Logan. It also sounds like he's eating throughout the last 10 minutes.
Pig can't acknowledge Cow because despite Pig being a milquetoast middle of the road guy politically he's mortal enemies with libtard slayer Cow Cumia. So he's attaching all the shit done to Joe and pretending it's the defenseless but proud gay man (Logan Lynn, not Joe Cumia). Essentially he's making a distorted meatloaf out of the scraps he didn't want to use earlier. It's only a matter of time before he starts obfuscating his murder of Bernell Trammell for Killakuhn murdering Qadan.


Dan doesn't have a penis. I. Do.
The police know.
But he just can't seem to get them to care about the immediate threat to him and his family (read: Niki and the lizard). Okay.
"The police know you did (because I told them so.)" is the part he's missing out.

Even after the lolsuit collapse and restraining order failure he still doesn't get that just because he says it doesn't make it true and doesn't mean people have to believe him. He's so hopelessly obsessed with Twitter that he's completely lost all understanding of how real life works.

One of the things that was interesting was when he started talking about how the idea of not having social media was preposterous, as if nobody on the planet could live like that. He is absolutely every bit as addicted and pathetic as Nana.


Fat bitch with faggot tits
He skipped the funeral to administer cat medication? Suuuure. More proof they have no friends.
Its convenient that they can both leave the hovel weeks at a time to go on vacation, but need to work in shifts for important family functions. Its almost like Patrick wasn't invited.

Piggy lying about why Logan Lynn got mocked. No, it wasn't because he was 'openly gay and not ashamed of himself'. It was more about making fun of him for getting Jay Mohr naked for his faggy video.
There are literally thousands of unashamedly gay musicians and nobody here cares how many dicks they've tasted. The gayest thing about Logan Lynn was Jay Mohrs glowing review of this shitty song. Honestly, blame Jay Mohr for calling so much unnecessary attention to Logan's underwhelming music.

"'Nothing's Ever Wrong' is one of my favorite songs," Mohr wrote us over email. "Not just on the album; it's one of my favorite songs ever. There's something so heartbreaking about it—so much story just off mic... because it needs to be. There's a deeper canyon of emotion just out of reach. What you and I can handle carefully and process; that's what he shares.

Mohr continues, "Logan Lynn is a loving artist. He knows he has doors to open that we can't close, so in ‘Nothing's Ever Wrong' he leaves out everything but what's there. The big change to the minor chords when he sings 'cause it's not my life'.... It shook me. I mean driving-and-crying shook me. It's so beautiful. Indescribably beautiful, but it's ominous for me... foreboding. Like if he goes any further it will break your heart; a door that can never be closed if he opens it."
Jay Mohr is a retarded windbag. Meaningless drivel from a stupid man.
I think its hilarious that a man whose self written wiki page was longer then Einstein's could get a better handle on his narcissism than Patrick. At this point, Fatty is the only person even bringing Logan Lynn up.