Pat's interview on "Rizzo & Jeff"



He's promoting his swatting like most celebrities promote upcoming movies, comedy specials, books, etc. But he's got nothing to promote. This is so fucking bizarre that they time all this media for October 7th.

This is absolutely him swatting himself for media attention. And this is the big payoff. Some stupid interview in a shitty radio show and a bunch of articles that end up getting pulled anyway, except for one on The Daily Beast, which is too heavily funded by the pedophile cabal to be held accountable for their blatant lies.

Harry Powell

Let’s sick our pals Dave and Chuck on these queens. It’s been a few years since I’ve been on the front lines of a radio warrrrrr
I don’t care how gay all of it was - or even how much I hated it at the time - I miss that era of nonsense shock jockery.

He's promoting his swatting like most celebrities promote upcoming movies, comedy specials, books, etc. But he's got nothing to promote. This is so fucking bizarre that they time all this media for October 7th.

This is absolutely him swatting himself for media attention. And this is the big payoff. Some stupid interview in a shitty radio show and a bunch of articles that end up getting pulled anyway, except for one on The Daily Beast, which is too heavily funded by the pedophile cabal to be held accountable for their blatant lies.

It is 100% an attempt to get his checkmark back.


It's not REALLY Ray Wilson
"They're the worst people in the universe."

Really, Pat? Us but not the pedophiles you associated and are friends with? Us?
Exactly. Dr. Pizza is more acceptable in Pat's eyes than we are. I wonder why that could be? 🤔

Also, Logan Lynn is not only 10x smarter than Pat for knowing when to leave it alone, he's also 10x more masculine, and his identity doesn't rely solely upon being a victim.