Pat's interview on "Rizzo & Jeff"



Is that Meatballs? From The Todd Show?
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For the last time, I am NOT Frank Grimes!
I don’t care how gay all of it was - or even how much I hated it at the time - I miss that era of nonsense shock jockery.

It is 100% an attempt to get his checkmark back.

@Harry Kilmer oh God... You're not a fan of those loads, are you?

The American fan has gone on about them for YEARS with how much they sucked - said he held a grudge for them getting Drew and Mike taken off the air (who I've listened to a bit, they weren't bad). I figured how awful could they be, so I tried them out, and... He wasn't wrong.

What is with the constant forced fucking laughter? I lived in Edinburgh, who are world renowned assholes - shit like this would've been dragged through the streets like Mussolini.

I mean, you do you, brotherman, but even Bob and Tom were better than what I happened to hear.
So he did the interview over a week ago and said nothing about it on Twitter, then within a half hour of it getting posted here he's talking about it on Twitter? But he doesn't visit our flaccid forums?

Hey Pat, if you sell this story hard to morning radio, they might give you an interview in that all important afternoon drive time slot. Maybe you can get on WFAN and take calls from Jimmy on the car phone in Massapequa.


For the last time, I am NOT Frank Grimes!
So he did the interview over a week ago and said nothing about it on Twitter, then within a half hour of it getting posted here he's talking about it on Twitter? But he doesn't visit our flaccid forums?

Hey Pat, if you sell this story hard to morning radio, they might give you an interview in that all important afternoon drive time slot. Maybe you can get on WFAN and take calls from Jimmy on the car phone in Massapequa.

Jim and Sam have an hour to kill...