Patrick got triggered/jealous of that picture of 2 highschoolers kissing again, reposts his cope word-for-word



People who went to social gatherings and had friends/relationships at that stage are gonna tend to wind up happy in the end. They might work regular boring jobs, but on the weekend they have fun with lifelong friends and get tail.
This is true. I've been out of high school for 30 years and I moved over 500 miles away from my hometown but usually whenever i get back home for a visit I end up going out and hanging with someone I went to high school with. Just to hang for a bit and catch up. That's what normal people do.

I get the feeling Rick really has no friends. He probably calls the regulars at Hooligans his "friends" when they're just drunks who tolerate him. As it's been pointed out before, he had to hire movers to haul the treadmill upstairs, had to hire someone to sand the room, all these tasks that normal people call a friend or 2 and take care of. The guys like Rakunas and all only have to see him once or twice a year. There's nobody who can tolerate