Pat might have a secret reddit account that thirsts over naked trannies


Opie Simp
It's not him. There is some post where he makes a computer programming reference for some reason, which Pat would know nothing about. So it's just some dork who is also sexually confused, i.e. the typical Reddit user.
Link? I looked over his profile and only saw tranny thirsting and porn posts.

Also, he looks at cocks and thinks of rocketships?



I am the crispy white spot in your soul
Link? I looked over his profile and only saw tranny thirsting and porn posts.

Also, he looks at cocks and thinks of rocketships?

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Course. His shitty books are all about space and rockets. He probably thinks thirsting after tranny cock is what is acceptable in Star Trek so he justifies it that way.
I bet he thrists after fake sci fi nerd trannies who pretend so they can lure in sad cunts like Fatrick.


Opie Simp
I crossreferenced for all the phrases used in that acct like "wowza", "i'll say", "no argument from me.", etc and he never tweeted any of those. only "yay". so thinking it's not him but im not gonna admit it's me
I don't think it's just some random reddit creep, there are too many coincidences. This is either Pat or one of us doing an elaborate bit that got outed too early. Either way it has made me laugh.

SFWA liaison

Heidi Hildeman customer
We'll never know for sure if it's Pat or some random guy, but it being a bit from one of us seems unlikely to me. Anyone doing it for the bit would've at least drop a liiiitle more hints, post on /r/milwaukee or /r/scifi or whatever, and not wait so long for me to randomly find it


I am the crispy white spot in your soul
The Kiwis are starting to look into it:

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Good. Go do your thing Kiwis 👍 . They are great at this sort of thing. And they are really into the creamy content Fatrick can't stop producing.

If it really is him I hope nobody gets it all together and emails it to people, to friends and family, Hooligans etc showing how much of a sick degenerate tranny chasing cuck he is.