Pat might have a secret reddit account that thirsts over naked trannies


buck breaker supreme
Just naming a computer paradigm without any sort of depth of knowledge isn't enough to convince me it isn't him. Otherwise, me saying "medulla oblongata" means this account isn't me, since I'm neither a brain surgeon nor a water boy.
And it's a dumb joke referencing a programming paradigm that's been popular for decades now. someone with some cursory knowledge of tech/computer shit would at least heard of it. It's not like he said I'm a fan of functional, or data orientated, programming. At least that would hint at someone with some software development knowledge.


Keyboard Warrior
And it's a dumb joke referencing a programming paradigm that's been popular for decades now. someone with some cursory knowledge of tech/computer shit would at least heard of it. It's not like he said I'm a fan of functional, or data orientated, programming. At least that would hint at someone with some software development knowledge.
WWAWD recursive functions?


And it's a dumb joke referencing a programming paradigm that's been popular for decades now. someone with some cursory knowledge of tech/computer shit would at least heard of it. It's not like he said I'm a fan of functional, or data orientated, programming. At least that would hint at someone with some software development knowledge.
I think he's too dumb to know the first thing about anything technical. The only way it's him is if he couldn't think of anything clever to say, so he googled "oop" and object-oriented programming was the first result. That is definitely a Pat move.


I told them to back off bcuz it wasnt their show
I keep flip flopping. One moment im like “nah i wish it was but that aint our pig” then i read a NigNiggerson post and im like “oh no doubt thats him. It has to be. Way too big of a coincidence. It fits perfectly.” Then i start doubting myself. Nice consistency, stupid.

“Sues Light Switch cock” hahah

Brooke Shields

Patrick Tomlinson hates me because I am a woman
If Paul Weimer is dumb enough to use the same username on his twitter as his nonfiction sodomy writing account, then Pat is definitely capable of using a horrifically gay character's name in one of his books as a reddit account name to simp for trannies

i still remember when porn sites didn't have anyone comment on them despite there being a comment section. Pat's definitely they type to want to meaninglessly comment to no-one when jerking off


Just naming a computer paradigm without any sort of depth of knowledge isn't enough to convince me it isn't him. Otherwise, me saying "medulla oblongata" means this account isn't me, since I'm neither a brain surgeon nor a water boy.
I searched his twitter for any programming references and literally every result was about television programming. He is such a worthless moronic consumer.

SFWA liaison

Heidi Hildeman customer
It's interesting that this was discovered a few days after whoever this is posted, and they have made no posts since. Of course, they have been sporadic in their posts, so who knows.
yeah I periodically check on it for this same reason, it's a real catch-22 situation if it's Pat: he has to either publicly lust for trannies for all to see specifically what his fetish is, or kill the account thus confirming it was him

was going to wait a few more months before calling it because the account has had multi-months breaks in posting before though


yeah I periodically check on it for this same reason, it's a real catch-22 situation if it's Pat: he has to either publicly lust for trannies for all to see specifically what his fetish is, or kill the account thus confirming it was him

was going to wait a few more months before calling it because the account has had multi-months breaks in posting before though

Has anyone with a reddit account tried DMing this weirdo? If he responds like a non-faggot then we can rule out Pat.