Pat might have a secret reddit account that thirsts over naked trannies


Dan doesn't have a penis. I. Do.
View attachment 36611

That said I think there's a better chance of this account belonging to one of you fags than Rick himself.
Pat thinks double-fisting beers is a sign of confidence.

This really explains why Niki has to peg him. He's absolutely craving a nice juicy cock to work its way between his disgusting, fat cheeks. Shameful, Pat. Shameful.


I am the crispy white spot in your soul
Remember how much he simps and fucking fawns over Brianna John Flynt Walker Wu... Hes always sniffing her axe wound
I remember reading that because they use arse mucus to lube up that a meal before a shag with a frankenfanny is best.... I can just imagine... Sweet jesus....

The worst is when those beasts say 'nobody can tell'... Seriously like you have a group of hardcore emasculated tranny militant nutters who are hating on women for their ability to bear children, bleed and actually be born with a fanny. Apparently it's all wrong and there's no difference and men can't tell... Eh yeah.... I can tell between a lovely beautiful glistening wet pink slit and its little hooded Go Button and soft pliable yummy pink lips that are great to suck... All leading to a gorgeous hot wet hole that when she squeezes... Oh fuck yeah...and a fucking inside out cock all hacked apart and using bits of scrotum to fill in the gaps... Ya every woman has big hairy patches INSIDE her fanny... Oh and because dilating was too much torture there's more depth in Fatrick's characters than your fanny... AND it doesn't smell like arse... It isn't a stitched together moose knuckle of raw, lumpy, hairy, discoloured half dead flesh that your Turkish surgeon keeps telling you 'will be better when healed inshallah'
Its a pretty generic sounding Roman character's name...there was a historical Maximus Tiberius. Thinking its Pat makes as much as sense as seing "Patrick T" post under a pornhub tranny video and thinking it could only be him.
alright then smart guy, how do you explain this?


Brooke Shields

Patrick Tomlinson hates me because I am a woman
it quite literally isn't some random fuck

It's either him or a pest bit that didn't have payoff so the guy abandoned it and never posted screenshots here,
BUT the twitter account was deleted, so that pest had that login still or - fuck it i dont know how a deleted twitter is damage control when it was already exposed so it being Fatrick failing at another thing is always viable

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.
Explains why he is so insecure and needs to constantly try to convince anyone listening how he is so masculine and when he has sex . This marriage seems to be a beard and tax scheme for both of them. I think they cant come out of the closet to their parents. So he sleeps on the couch and beats off to ladyboys after niki leaves in the morning and niki gets the bedroom. Pat zapping that account right when it comes to light really points at him being the owner.


Him deleting the twitter account makes me 95% certain now. We'll never be 100% certain unless we somehow get him to admit it, or if it's a brotherman behind it get them to admit it's a bit.
Did he delete it after this thread was made? If so, and it's been verified to be his we're on to something.

He would never delete the tranny reddit account as he probably has multiple dm grooming conversations going that he doesn't want to let go of no matter how hot our heat gets.