Nice Career, stupid


Stand Alone Fruit
How low, do you think you could get piggy to hand sell you his books?
That would be a great bit for funsters in attendance, who could get the cheapest book from fatty.
I'd wait till the end of the con and then offer to get rid of the box, save him carting it back to his rustang.
You know it’s the same old dirty boxes full of books he’s had to take to these cons only to have to bring them all back home. They’re probably always in his trunk like he’s some struggling artist.


How low, do you think you could get piggy to hand sell you his books?
$1 is the best I can do

also im kind of worried that he's going to assault anyone that asks him to sign a book. found on reddit, etc.


Salted Earth Truffle

Eric Hildeman poked my no-no hole when I was 5
These conferences are like Amway. It's just unemployed people selling things to their friends, family and each other so they can pretend they're part of the economy.
Fucking this. I remain amazed that there’s such a market for this crappy fantasy/sci-fi dreck that multiple conventions exist. Bet it’s mostly all the same people showing up to blow each other and feel important for a few hours of their lives.

Tagine Enthusiast

Gifted by Lynne!
He def skipped Penguin Con this year as it was in late april (24th ish) and we never got any tweets of him being a special guest or anything. Money must be tight which is why he's making furniture out of shitty pallets.
I’m sure they really appreciated his passive aggressive ‘if they even have one next year’ tweet. I’m not defending or promoting PedoCon at all but at least it would be an opportunity to advertise yourself/your work to fellow degenerates and yet he is still a dick to people ‘on his side’.

Missy's Mangled Handster

BBJ Lover
You know she’s going to bother and annoy him all weekend and Pat will have to bite his lip and be “nice” to his one and only dedicated fan. She will be the only one in line for his signing so Pat won’t be able to move her along because nobody else will be in line. Maybe she’ll bring her fucked up trans kids.
He's gonna hope zipper tits goes so he can rape her still functioning pussy, but it'll actually be her faggot son and he will begrudgingly rape his loose asshole

Uncle J’s Sink Emporium

You gotta pump those sink numbers up, funster.
I don't understand how Pat will know a stlaker from a non stlaker.

My brother goes to this shit nearly every year and I'm thinking of joining him this time.
It’s pretty simple, if someone shows up to the book signing that isn’t a friend of his that he set up then it’s a stlaker since no legitimate fans have ever done it.

Prison Enjoyer

Status: Enjoying Prison! 😁
Pat is both the moderator (host) of a 5-person panel and indeed doing a book signing, in addition to being a panelist in 2 of the GenCon panel sessions.

It'd be great if someone in the audience could yell "PAY QUASI" or something at the beginning of the panel he's moderating as he's introducing everyone and just watch him shit the bed on the whole damn thing. Pat, being who he is, would think of NOTHING but responding to the stlakerchild the whole time and just get progressively redder and visibly pissed off before stamping his feet and bellowing "ENJOY PRISOOON, CHOOOOIIIILDDDDD" to the confused and increasingly scared audience of nerds and starting to cry