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Milwaukee was not a business trip, it was a day off. I was not expensing anything there.
Even if you were there for work and they pick up your 3 meals and you had say lunch there, you aren't announcing to people where you work. Even better that it was a day off, but companies get really stupid about their employees but all you did was film your "lunch". However we all know that you were noT in Hooligans stlaker and that was just CGI, now quietly wait for the knock.


Unless this is some super long con, the sports podcast he did was the same voice, same name. As well as him deleting his business twitter with the same name and face. Dan is clearly not intelligent enough to out maneuver us. He really can’t even out maneuver pat. Pats own incompetency is what’s stopping him. Is there “concrete” evidence it’s really him? I guess not. There’s enough linkage to put it together though. Once again, maybe Dan is actually a genius mastermind, who’s actually doing all these bits, and I’m a bigger faggot retard than previously thought. I doubt it though. He was literally a retarded person in that bar. “There’s Tess!!! She’s great!!! Wow, look at those light…. things on the wall!!!! Wow hooligans is great guys!!!!”
Its him...the big sausage hands from the Snake doxes make an appearance.


Gassers/Say "Cookie" Alt
Better call Flavia to clean that shit up
Seems like she did, at least own up to your faggotry Daniel, you can act like a man, what's the matter with you?



12 paramedics couldnt save ur fuckin life boy
Are you being serious right now?

Babe, you convince these fucking incels that you're some young, hot, submissive tradwife whose really passionate about hating Jews and such, when you're some haggy Fox News grandma. Keep feeding them the Eva Braun dreamgirl fantasy, because in the real world the vast majority of chicks don't wanna hear your racist conspiracy theories. They want to drink Starbucks, watch Stranger Things, and go to interesting places to take pics for the 'gram.

You can be a depressed shut-in who copes with the loneliness by falling in love with Xena or some random racist lady from the internet who read Mein Kampf in a nice voice, or your can take my tough advice and find a real person who brings you joy. Even if you have to put up with their imperfections, as they'll have to put up with yours. Torquie's friends are uninviting him from their yearly Halloween parties, lard is waking up at 4am to log back into his friendship simulator.

I hate seeing this place turn into everything Patrick describes us as: a bunch of lonely white supremacists who can't get laid.


What do you think the real Lucy would think of you, with "LYNCH NIGGERS" in your bio?

I think she would be proud of me for having such excellent taste. Hey Jenna, you’re always welcome to guess a number in the “David Lynch’s daily weather report and number of the day thread”



Babe, you convince these fucking incels that you're some young, hot, submissive tradwife whose really passionate about hating Jews and such, when you're some haggy Fox News grandma. Keep feeding them the Eva Braun dreamgirl fantasy, because in the real world the vast majority of chicks don't wanna hear your racist conspiracy theories. They want to drink Starbucks, watch Stranger Things, and go to interesting places to take pics for the 'gram.

You can be a depressed shut-in who copes with the loneliness by falling in love with Xena or some random racist lady from the internet who read Mein Kampf in a nice voice, or your can take my tough advice and find a real person who brings you joy. Even if you have to put up with their imperfections, as they'll have to put up with yours. Torquie's friends are uninviting him from their yearly Halloween parties, lard is waking up at 4am to log back into his friendship simulator.

I hate seeing this place turn into everything Patrick describes us as: a bunch of lonely white supremacists who can't get laid.
You're gonna be OKaaAAAaaayyy!!!


Babe, you convince these fucking incels that you're some young, hot, submissive tradwife whose really passionate about hating Jews and such, when you're some haggy Fox News grandma. Keep feeding them the Eva Braun dreamgirl fantasy, because in the real world the vast majority of chicks don't wanna hear your racist conspiracy theories. They want to drink Starbucks, watch Stranger Things, and go to interesting places to take pics for the 'gram.

You can be a depressed shut-in who copes with the loneliness by falling in love with Xena or some random racist lady from the internet who read Mein Kampf in a nice voice, or your can take my tough advice and find a real person who brings you joy. Even if you have to put up with their imperfections, as they'll have to put up with yours. Torquie's friends are uninviting him from their yearly Halloween parties, lard is waking up at 4am to log back into his friendship simulator.

I hate seeing this place turn into everything Patrick describes us as: a bunch of lonely white supremacists who can't get laid.

Nigga, you for real?



Babe, you convince these fucking incels that you're some young, hot, submissive tradwife whose really passionate about hating Jews and such, when you're some haggy Fox News grandma. Keep feeding them the Eva Braun dreamgirl fantasy, because in the real world the vast majority of chicks don't wanna hear your racist conspiracy theories. They want to drink Starbucks, watch Stranger Things, and go to interesting places to take pics for the 'gram.

You can be a depressed shut-in who copes with the loneliness by falling in love with Xena or some random racist lady from the internet who read Mein Kampf in a nice voice, or your can take my tough advice and find a real person who brings you joy. Even if you have to put up with their imperfections, as they'll have to put up with yours. Torquie's friends are uninviting him from their yearly Halloween parties, lard is waking up at 4am to log back into his friendship simulator.

I hate seeing this place turn into everything Patrick describes us as: a bunch of lonely white supremacists who can't get laid.
All compelling points but you talking about lonely incels yearning for Xena when you did the same for some obscure Puerto Rican actress.

btw if I see her on the screen I'm always associating her with you because I never heard of her before you, or was in my radar (Jenna Taco)

Atleast Xena and Christina Ricci are adult concept women and well-known.

That Jenna girl has some kind of hormonal deficiency btw...


12 paramedics couldnt save ur fuckin life boy
All compelling points but you talking about lonely incels yearning for Xena when you did the same for some obscure Puerto Rican actress.

the use of humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people's stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other topical issues.


the use of humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people's stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other topical issues.
Maybe they're being satirical too? Anyway I also called out the alliance boys but you're not seeing how we all have more in common than differences? Why cant we all just get along dammit. Also, nice throwing their whiteness at them when they're not even that racist or anti-spic.


12 paramedics couldnt save ur fuckin life boy
Maybe they're being satirical too? Anyway I also called out the alliance boys but you're not seeing how we all have more in common than differences? Why cant we all just get along dammit. Also, nice throwing their whiteness at them when they're not even that racist or anti-spic.

Do I act this cunty to everyone? Nobody else is going around screaming at others to admit they're funny.

Harry Powell

Babe, you convince these fucking incels that you're some young, hot, submissive tradwife whose really passionate about hating Jews and such, when you're some haggy Fox News grandma. Keep feeding them the Eva Braun dreamgirl fantasy, because in the real world the vast majority of chicks don't wanna hear your racist conspiracy theories. They want to drink Starbucks, watch Stranger Things, and go to interesting places to take pics for the 'gram.

You can be a depressed shut-in who copes with the loneliness by falling in love with Xena or some random racist lady from the internet who read Mein Kampf in a nice voice, or your can take my tough advice and find a real person who brings you joy. Even if you have to put up with their imperfections, as they'll have to put up with yours. Torquie's friends are uninviting him from their yearly Halloween parties, lard is waking up at 4am to log back into his friendship simulator.

I hate seeing this place turn into everything Patrick describes us as: a bunch of lonely white supremacists who can't get laid.
I like this new Cuntfucker. Just don’t do the Nikocado asshole pics so I can leave you unblocked pls