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Whole lotta negativity in this thread. What we need is a place for everyone to say positive things about each other. Conveniently, I started just the thread!

(oh wow Cubes, that's so cool thank you! I'm gonna go say something nice about you right now!)

No problem, gang. Here ya go.

[URL unfurl="true"][/URL]

I like you Cubes, and i like this idea of being positive for a change! Here’s a cute gif from that chick from Paramore.


Riccardo Bosi

watches seasons 3-9 all the time, child.
Babe, you convince these fucking incels that you're some young, hot, submissive tradwife whose really passionate about hating Jews and such, when you're some haggy Fox News grandma. Keep feeding them the Eva Braun dreamgirl fantasy, because in the real world the vast majority of chicks don't wanna hear your racist conspiracy theories. They want to drink Starbucks, watch Stranger Things, and go to interesting places to take pics for the 'gram.

You can be a depressed shut-in who copes with the loneliness by falling in love with Xena or some random racist lady from the internet who read Mein Kampf in a nice voice, or your can take my tough advice and find a real person who brings you joy. Even if you have to put up with their imperfections, as they'll have to put up with yours. Torquie's friends are uninviting him from their yearly Halloween parties, lard is waking up at 4am to log back into his friendship simulator.

I hate seeing this place turn into everything Patrick describes us as: a bunch of lonely white supremacists who can't get laid.
How old are you, dude? Also, you should change your username to COPETAIN SEETHEMAN