Kike Hate Thread

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What’s the New York tunnels stuff all about? Did they really have mattresses down there?
The tunnels were built underneath a Synagogue. That's all I know. I have no idea what the purpose of them were, but you can bet your ass it wasn't going to be used for something good.




The gunslinger.


The gunslinger.
There’s going to be a horrific global war with Israel as the centre soon.

I used to obsess over this stuff, worry about it, preach on it, I still do but now I realise it’s all meant to happen. It’s written, evil has already lost. The trials and tribulations will be human suffering on terrifying levels but the light will win. It needs to happen. It means He is returning. It is good.

In that sense, it doesn’t matter what we notice, or what we do. There’s no point worrying about it.


Gen Z Boss And A Mini
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