Kike Hate Thread


Gen Z Boss And A Mini
They really don't want us to find out anything about these tunnels.

Gavin will do the "they're just really smart" bit first.

Hopefully Nick has his stats handy. Particularly IQ and ivy league admissions stats. If memory serves it's 112 Ashkenazi, 97 Sephardic and an overrepresentation by ethnicity in ivy league institutions of 8-9,000%.

Once Gavin loses that point, he will then pivot to "they just have good family values" lol etc etc.

Once he loses that point he'll say that OK maybe it's nepotism, but why can't whites do the same? Nick will explain that we try but Jews own everything so we can't/eternal Anglo morality/Jewish cultural subversion that prevents it. Rinse, repeat, irrelevant jabs here and there, they'll make up at the end because neither of them really give a shit they just want to keep their grift going, etc. I've seen this game play out for over a decade, it's the same process. So tiring.

We need a Fuhrer not a gay Mexican kid who just wants an upper middle class life without working.