Kike Hate Thread


Gen Z Boss And A Mini
It's really true -- they're running out of new ideas. I've seen this movie like 6 million times already.

Doxxing operation with links to Israeli intelligence (again)...

"But it should not be up to a foreign television program to investigate secret Israeli intelligence and covert operations in the US, along with their clandestine American funders. That is what the FBI is paid to do. And rather than drag university presidents up to Capitol Hill for a replay of the Red Scare/HUAC hearings, it’s time for the White House and Congress to at last rip the cover off Israel’s vast network of spies, collaborators, and funders in this country. Even if it means giving up millions in donations and political support from AIPAC—the key reason Israel remains immune from any investigation."

It's amazing to me that J-woke white people can manage to be black-pilled in 2023. Anything even remotely resembling a paragraph like that in a mainstream American newspaper would have been career suicide up until about 10 weeks ago. A tacit admission that America is nothing but a Jewish oligarchy with US taxpayer-funded spy networks and propaganda as far as the eye can see? Hope you enjoyed your career fella, enjoy working at Wendy's now.

...not anymore.

The Jews are currently trying to re-wrangle the brown hoards back into the anti-white alliance, and it's not working. There are too many dead brown children all over the internet for that.

Besides, ask yourself- is Jewish ethnic hatred of Palestinians really enough for them to self-justify butchering hoards of children in 2023? No, it's not. They want to, but the optics...they knew the PR that doing so would bring. You don't slaughter children because you're in a position of power. You do it because you're scared that you're losing power.

Zionism and Israel will never recover from the events of the past few months. They will be eaten by the browns that they brought to the West to harm whites; their own pets are eating them.

And it's beautiful.