Kike Hate Thread


Tony Hinchclit

Whatever their origin, these observances are sanctioned by their antiquity. The other practices of the Jews are sinister and revolting, and have entrenched themselves by their very wickedness. Wretches of the most abandoned kind who had no use for the religion of their fathers took to contributing dues and free-will offerings to swell the Jewish exchequer; and other reasons for their increasing wealth way be found in their stubborn loyalty and ready benevolence towards brother Jews. But the rest of the world they confront with the hatred reserved for enemies. They will not feed or intermarry with gentiles. Though a most lascivious people, the Jews avoid sexual intercourse with women of alien race. Among themselves nothing is barred. They have introduced the practice of circumcision to show that they are different from others. Proselytes to Jewry adopt the same practices, and the very first lesson they learn is to despise the gods, shed all feelings of patriotism, and consider parents, children and brothers as readily expendable.
From Histories by Tacitus, translated by Kenneth Wellesley. This was written around 100 AD. Some things are timeless.

Riccardo Bosi

watches seasons 3-9 all the time, child.
Yeah I’m sure there are individuals from that tribe that are nice and all that and maybe even some that don’t support the bullshit their people are pushing, but it’s the overall behavior and tribalism we are talking about and how all these fuckers somehow make up a huge percentage of media bosses despite being just 1 percent of the population and how they are behind the feminist movement, gay and lesbian movement, transgenderism, and all this dogshit designed to break up the family unit. I was woken up many years ago when someone told me about USS Liberty and I looked into it and then I listened to more folks who were exposing the truth about the Jewish media control and brainwashing.

Here’s some Bobby Fischer btw speaking the truth:

He was a Jew that knew what was going on btw and exposing his own people.

Bobby Fischer rules.

>be a Jew
>have an 187 IQ
>hates Jews


Keyboard Warrior

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Gay Faggot.

I am Dan.
They really are their own worst spokesperson. America first should be everyone’s opinion here. Just like it should be Israel first in Israel. Wait what? I’m being cancelled? But I work for CP media how is that- I know Anthony supports Israel bu-….. free speech netw- alright I’ll pack up my things. Fucking kikes.


Keyboard Warrior
You faggots have the googling skills of Sam Roberts. Its from the TV series Hunters(2020) season 1 episode 8
I'm sorry, but googling "Why does everyone hate jews video" didn't lead me to this. It lead me to a lot of other things.

It's almost like there are millions (six millions?) of anti-semitic materials out there to sort through.

That said, I'm also a faggot.
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Keyboard Warrior
I figured it was actually from something kiked. Anyone with a brain cell can tell that clip was supposed to be mocking those of us who name the Jew. Lotta Bobo brains in this forum.
It had too much of a high production value, and the host was a gay faggot, as opposed to a non-gay faggot.

I knew if it wasn't from a sketch show, it was a conspiracy, like nine eleven thermite paint:fighter_sm:


the Gentleman's sissy hypno
I went to elementary school with bunch of jews in north nj and they really looked down on us goys, they were so burrowed into school system enough they would actually have us go to jew classmates house during jew holidays and during school hours to see how they celebrate their holidays and join them

2nd link is required read, no skimming or skipping. It's long, but that alone will make many things clear


Keyboard Warrior

2nd link is required read, no skimming or skipping. It's long, but that alone will make many things clear
2nd link seems to be a podcast.


Keyboard Warrior
Hey @BillKlacks : Here's another reason for you. The refugee "crises" over the last decade have been designed and manufactured by Israel.

You may not agree with every opinion in this article, but it is very well sourced and well worth the read.

These people want to kill your family and wreck your country.


Listening to this that went up the other day. Talking about how the tribe is guiding world events to fulfill their gay ancient prophecies and there's plenty of Rabbi videos reiterating all of this on Youtube.

They see America and Europe as Edom and their aim is for the west to fall and Gentiles exterminated. America looks so retarded and incompetent from the state of Afghanistan right now (by design) for all we know WWIII is closer than we think since this would be the perfect time to wipe us out. The only defense the US would have would be with nukes since conventional warfare would only be with our trannies and faggots.

Turkey more than likely is leaving Nato to join Russia, which is something else interpreted from the prophecies as they see Russia and Gog and Magog in the book of Eskiel. They also touch on that Christianity is nothing more but an inversion of Judiaism to trap Gentiles to unknowingly worship Satan as Christ is the reincarnation of Cain and not divine at all. Literally nothing would surprise me anymore as dumb fucking desert religions are not saving anyone in the west.

Tony Hinchclit

They also touch on that Christianity is nothing more but an inversion of Judiaism to trap Gentiles to unknowingly worship Satan as Christ is the reincarnation of Cain and not divine at all. Literally nothing would surprise me anymore as dumb fucking desert religions are not saving anyone in the west.
People like to categorize Christianity that way but it's intellectually dishonest. The Faith has grown up in Europe for most of its lifetime, and was, as early as the second century, reciprocal and in debt to Greco-Roman philosophies. For whatever reason, the bird watching pederasts in Rome and the Jesus cult found some commonality and Jews still seethe over the fruits of this union two thousand years later.

All of the heretical groups that the Catholics persecuted were direct descendants of the Gnostic lineage which, as we should all know, owes its existence to magic and superstitious ideas found in eastern religions.
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the Gentleman's sissy hypno
2nd link seems to be a podcast.

my bad, that's not the right link

this review contains almost everything. This is required reading. Even if you don't care about this issue, or are mildly curious and want to see what the fuss is about to be able to discredit it or at least understand the arguments so you can counter them, read this.