Kike Hate Thread


I hate this bastard so much.


Other kosher media people I can't stand:

download (1).jpg

And of course this fat pig is a Jew and a degenerate piece of shit too:


What is it with kikes and being complete fatasses like this? They are the ones also promoting this body posivity bullshit.



the Gentleman's sissy hypno


the Gentleman's sissy hypno


Incel imposter cyber atalker
I'm confused about kikes. I mean I hate media and famous kikes just like any rational person. But every jewish person I've met irl is pretty nice. Is it like a certain sect of kikes that are evil? Plus there is a documentary about Rush and turns out the lead singer is jewish. I didn't know, but it doesn't change anything. Like I can't all the sudden hate Rush because the lead singer is jewish.


Why isn't "Jew" in the headline?

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"I'm not here specifically to dismantle and erase Christian culture. I'm just a Humanist. You got a problem with inclusion, racist? Sounds like you need to read your Pinsky and Goldstein. Or maybe you want the police involved? Do you enjoy getting a paycheck? Then listen to what I say"

View attachment 4657

"Got a problem with 50 million mestizos and arabs and somalis? Only a bad person wouldn't offer them kindness. BTW Israel has a right to exist, offer Jews kindness too. That means don't question them. Or you're a bad person."

Getting back on track..

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It's real


He shouldn't have made it out of that conference/meeting alive.


the Gentleman's sissy hypno
I'm confused about kikes. I mean I hate media and famous kikes just like any rational person. But every jewish person I've met irl is pretty nice. Is it like a certain sect of kikes that are evil? Plus there is a documentary about Rush and turns out the lead singer is jewish. I didn't know, but it doesn't change anything. Like I can't all the sudden hate Rush because the lead singer is jewish.
I mean look at this last page. Ever heard of Common Core? hundreds of thousands of parents were looking at it a few years ago and wondering what the fuck was going on in the school. It turns out it was cooked up by a Jew to end "white privilege." White children, again in the hundreds of thousands if not millions, are being given tests that are deliberately vague and misleading so he could artifically close the test performance race gap between whites and the millions of third world being brought in and forced in our neighborhoods/schools/job sites without our concent or even awareness. (Click hotlink for explanation of "why")

One Jew is in the position to fuck with the minds of hundreds of thousands of white children, and he stated openly that he is donig so because they are whtie.

How many of those parents know about this? There is a man to point to, he is a Jew, and he stated in public he's doing it against white people.

But every jewish person I've met irl is pretty nice.

Those ones you think are nice? Tell them you're a Trump supporter (even if you personally aren't) and watch their reaction.
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I'm confused about kikes. I mean I hate media and famous kikes just like any rational person. But every jewish person I've met irl is pretty nice. Is it like a certain sect of kikes that are evil? Plus there is a documentary about Rush and turns out the lead singer is jewish. I didn't know, but it doesn't change anything. Like I can't all the sudden hate Rush because the lead singer is jewish.
I've met 'nice' Jews too. I lived in NYC for years so you meet and work with many of them. Every single one was of low moral character. Every single one.

Yes, they had jobs and had nice apartments or were married and visited museums and restaurants and could be clever and funny.

But just below the surface they will display their hatred of anything we see as normal and healthy; nuclear families, traditional man/wife roles, modesty, etc. They all either have weird sex kinks, support abortion, promote free sex, and support deviant art and literature.

They look down on salt-of-the-earth working people or farmers. Very rarely will you meet a Jew who works with their hands. Even if they don't vocalize it, labor is for the goyim. They are above that and feel entitled to quick service at their command. This is just a tiny piece of what they're about.


Yeah I’m sure there are individuals from that tribe that are nice and all that and maybe even some that don’t support the bullshit their people are pushing, but it’s the overall behavior and tribalism we are talking about and how all these fuckers somehow make up a huge percentage of media bosses despite being just 1 percent of the population and how they are behind the feminist movement, gay and lesbian movement, transgenderism, and all this dogshit designed to break up the family unit. I was woken up many years ago when someone told me about USS Liberty and I looked into it and then I listened to more folks who were exposing the truth about the Jewish media control and brainwashing.

Here’s some Bobby Fischer btw speaking the truth:

He was a Jew that knew what was going on btw and exposing his own people.


My name's Henry. And you're here with me now
I've met 'nice' Jews too. I lived in NYC for years so you meet and work with many of them. Every single one was of low moral character. Every single one.

Yes, they had jobs and had nice apartments or were married and visited museums and restaurants and could be clever and funny.

But just below the surface they will display their hatred of anything we see as normal and healthy; nuclear families, traditional man/wife roles, modesty, etc. They all either have weird sex kinks, support abortion, promote free sex, and support deviant art and literature.

They look down on salt-of-the-earth working people or farmers. Very rarely will you meet a Jew who works with their hands. Even if they don't vocalize it, labor is for the goyim. They are above that and feel entitled to quick service at their command. This is just a tiny piece of what they're about.
I went to elementary school with bunch of jews in north nj and they really looked down on us goys, they were so burrowed into school system enough they would actually have us go to jew classmates house during jew holidays and during school hours to see how they celebrate their holidays and join them


Full Moon Squealer
I've met 'nice' Jews too. I lived in NYC for years so you meet and work with many of them. Every single one was of low moral character. Every single one.

Yes, they had jobs and had nice apartments or were married and visited museums and restaurants and could be clever and funny.

But just below the surface they will display their hatred of anything we see as normal and healthy; nuclear families, traditional man/wife roles, modesty, etc. They all either have weird sex kinks, support abortion, promote free sex, and support deviant art and literature.

They look down on salt-of-the-earth working people or farmers. Very rarely will you meet a Jew who works with their hands. Even if they don't vocalize it, labor is for the goyim. They are above that and feel entitled to quick service at their command. This is just a tiny piece of what they're about.
Adam (((Greene))) has this jew named Doovid (actual name) on frequently to answer questions and Doovid stated matter-of-factly that jews are managerial and goyim are laborers. He just could not comprehend how that was derogatory considering their beliefs about the goyim. They really don't understand a hard day's labor or the satisfying feeling of creating something from nothing with with your hands.