Kike Hate Thread


the Gentleman's sissy hypno
All of the heretical groups that the Catholics persecuted were direct descendants of the Gnostic lineage which, as we should all know, owes its existence to magic and superstitious ideas found in eastern religions.
Posting vague, "smart" sounding shit like this reiterates the concept that those who push to expose the effects and motivation of collective Jewish power are grandiose schizos deluded about their own perception of things.
Show them a Jew, acting as a Jew in a position of influence in our own time, working to distort the education of White children specifically because they are White children, with evidence as I did a page ago in this thread, and you'll have a case

Tony Hinchclit

Posting vague, "smart" sounding shit like this reiterates the concept that those who push to expose the effects and motivation of collective Jewish power are grandiose schizos deluded about their own perception of things.
Show them a Jew, acting as a Jew in a position of influence in our own time, working to distort the education of White children specifically because they are White children, with evidence as I did a page ago in this thread, and you'll have a case
its pretty basic and easy to find information about and easy to connect to jewish corruption today. you can find copies of Protocols of the Elders of Zion printed with these esoteric covers because jewish subversion of religion is actually that integral to da hate. you have a nigger mind. embrace the schizo world.
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Keyboard Warrior
my bad, that's not the right link

this review contains almost everything. This is required reading. Even if you don't care about this issue, or are mildly curious and want to see what the fuss is about to be able to discredit it or at least understand the arguments so you can counter them, read this.
EMJ is very well-read, and it's very interesting how he paints the picture of the Jews being their own worst enemy.

You may like the FTN Deep Dive of Lindbergh:

It's 2 hours long, but well worth the listen.


the Gentleman's sissy hypno
EMJ is very well-read, and it's very interesting how he paints the picture of the Jews being their own worst enemy.

You may like the FTN Deep Dive of Lindbergh:

It's 2 hours long, but well worth the listen.
I hate Jazzhands (and don't trust the historical veracity of a lot of what he says) but I'll give it a listen. Somewhere in this forum I posted about how the Jewish tactics of humiliation, shaming and exclusion done to Gavin McInnes was similar to what they did to Lindbergh's wife. They target your family members, they target your job, they target your reputation. That's how Jews work. The writer of that McInnes article is herself a millennial Jew.

Tony Hinchclit

Weird. Can't find the quote in the thread. What did he mean by this?


Keyboard Warrior
I hate Jazzhands (and don't trust the historical veracity of a lot of what he says) but I'll give it a listen. Somewhere in this forum I posted about how the Jewish tactics of humiliation, shaming and exclusion done to Gavin McInnes was similar to what they did to Lindbergh's wife. They target your family members, they target your job, they target your reputation. That's how Jews work. The writer of that McInnes article is herself a millennial Jew.
I like Jazzhands, but am always up for actual fact-checking, so let me know what you think.