Kike Hate Thread

Gay Faggot.

I am Dan.
Not sure why she didn’t just say “I fully endorse the Taliban and their rightful control of Afghanistan”.


the Gentleman's sissy hypno
These are great.


Ever wonder why they push this weird sex shit? It's because healthy successful white families as some kind of potential enemy down the line. If they're not reproducing and are in unhappy and unsustainable lifestyles they are neutralized as a threat. It's a long term terror and destruction tactic.

This comic sums it up brilliantly


Keyboard Warrior
I hope some guys who are neutral or skeptical on this subject see this shit
This is why I post here so much.

I've known that Jews basically ran media in this country for years. I knew they ran banking. I think I believed that these fields were just what they were good at.

I knew that Jews were responsible for nearly everything political and societal I didn't like. Circumcision, Feminism, Usury. And I didn't even follow politics.

Even in gay marriage -- back in 2010 there was a debate about forcing churches to allow gay marriage or just having it be recognized by the government. Forgetting about that male gay "love" is not at all the same as heterosexual love, the compromise was clear -- just let the government recognize civil unions, and that way these fags could get their insurance and death benefits.

Instead we got gay marriage. And without gay marriage, there would be no corporate gay pride month and no drag queen story hour. The slippery slope fallacy is not a fallacy.

I had heard an interview with some (((representative))) of GLAAD around the time that the Supreme Court ruled in favor of gay marriage. This GLAAD person said that gay marriage wasn't the point, the point was the destruction of the church.

I was not religious at the time and I just didn't understand what that meant, but that was such a weird take to me that I never forgot it.

They want to destroy all of our institutions, and then anyone who is not them.


the Gentleman's sissy hypno
I had heard an interview with some (((representative))) of GLAAD around the time that the Supreme Court ruled in favor of gay marriage. This GLAAD person said that gay marriage wasn't the point, the point was the destruction of the church.
yeah I was gonna say that. It's not about "And without gay marriage, there would be no corporate gay pride month and no drag queen story hour", it's about destroying an institution that held white Christian society together. It's not about gay men, equal rights, persecution, etc. or any of that.

That's a cover story, and a lot of gullible well meaning people believe it.


Keyboard Warrior
Mike from TRS made a point a couple of shows ago that was pretty good -- the SPLC and ADL come out with their lists, and once they do, there's nothing you can do to get off of it. People may stop doing business with you, or there may be tons of other harm, but you cannot get off the list and the media carries their message but not your defense. It really ought to be outlawed.