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Thith I don't get. Your belief that every acthion, like, and hobby ith by dehtign a thing in plathe of thome other thing is weird. I have no "hole" in my life to fill that I fill here. I jutht enjoy the pththythychological torture of a faggot like Pat. You're echoing this potht modern bullthit that "bullieth are just bhullieth becauthe they're thcared", no, real men aren't more manly by blowing men. I enjoy people here, it may be a "compartment" but if it goeth away, like O and A did, I'll move on. I enjoy it, it ithn't becauthe it fills thome void bethideth thpare time.You know that Torquie de Lard seriously thinks boys as young as 7 being in sexual relationships with grown men is perfectly healthy and natural? He'll even cover for pedophiles the way the SFWA and Patrick do.
Ask him about it and watch how quickly he agrees and then tries to change the subject back to Jenna.
Ath for you having thportth, O and A, thimilar careerth, and are both Mickth from Bothton in common, but you conthider that not a lot, what type of fag are you being here? Is this thome dating thervice? I've had thchool friendth, teammate friendth, work friendth, online friendth, politics friendth and hothtthth of otherth I was friendly with without needing to both enjoy crothththeting, baking, and thucking cock. Thith ith jutht you trying to limit the fact you thare a lot in common, but not be tainted with hith faggotry. It'th really not that bad that Dan wanted to be liked and apprethiated for NPTH, he wasn't detherving of the dokththing, maybe a bit of joking about thome thtuff, but not what happened and you finding thingth in common that uththually build friendthhipth like comedy, thportth, and work doethn't need a dithclaimer that you prefer big n****r (DP edit - we can't use racial epiphets up here, even in character as Boomia in an obvious Boomiapotht, being HR and Jewish and all. It's 2022 and corporate policy won't abide, yeah we're gay yadayada) cock on men rather than Brathilian "girl" cock. What I'm thaying ith don't apologithe to uth that you were curiouth to meet the guy it'th OK.
And thinthe I know you're thuch a thenthitive bitch dethpite being 6 foot 2 I'll thign this....
Ah fuck we deleted the next bit, you get the jist tho.