I wanna see the debtor's movie!

Prison Enjoyer

Status: Enjoying Prison! 😁
Big cock Mont buttfucking Pat here was almost inevitable, and definitely the right move.

Likely timeline:

> April: Niki does everything; Takes the debtor's exam, hires Trustee Mont & Att. Rittberg, and makes the amortization court filing.

> Mont starts to draft up his Trustee's Report for Niki's debt, the payment plan document that is submitted to the judge for review/approval and signed by all creditors.

> Mont sees the judgement debt in question is not against Niki, but against Patrick, a man he's had zero prior contact with and does not reply to any of his (or any legal) emails.

(Pat has never filed objections to any additional fees within the debt, having 14-day windows to do so, Pat in fact has completely ignored all lawyer & court emails ever sent to him post-judgement)

> He demands to speak to Patrick before finalizing his report, as no trustee in their right mind would sign off on a plan before speaking to the principle debtor.

> "Hey Pat, Mont here, do you agree to make the monthly payments as part of the amortization plan?"

> "
No!, trusteechild, I will neVer pay my abusers. Quasi is never going to get a peNNy, stlaker. Fuck. Awffff."

> Mont drops them as clients and backs out, as the principle debtor in question has literally told him that he will refuse to make any payments.

Uncle J’s Sink Emporium

Enjoy prison, Y’munkoke
Ok, so a “wage” in this context is exclusively reliable income ie salary?
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Uncle J’s Sink Emporium

Enjoy prison, Y’munkoke
The SFWA bankrolled his suit. He didnt have the capitol to self fund two different lawsuits in two different states, multiple lawyers, for almost a whole year. There has to be a debt he has for his side losing.
Yeah, that’s what I’m saying. His “part” of that lawsuit is all of it. There was no SFWA business litigated at all. They don’t fund lawsuits for their members, they provide loans.

Uncle J’s Sink Emporium

Enjoy prison, Y’munkoke
Big cock Mont buttfucking Pat here was almost inevitable, and definitely the right move.

Likely timeline:

> April: Niki does everything; Takes the debtor's exam, hires Trustee Mont & Att. Rittberg, and makes the amortization court filing.

> Mont starts to draft up his Trustee's Report for Niki's debt, the payment plan document that is submitted to the judge for review/approval and signed by all creditors.

> Mont sees the judgement debt in question is not against Niki, but against Patrick, a man he's had zero prior contact with and does not reply to any of his (or any legal) emails.

(Pat has never filed objections to any additional fees within the debt, having 14-day windows to do so, Pat in fact has completely ignored all lawyer & court emails ever sent to him post-judgement)

> He demands to speak to Patrick before finalizing his report, as no trustee in their right mind would sign off on a plan before speaking to the principle debtor.

> "Hey Pat, Mont here, do you agree to make the monthly payments as part of the amortization plan?"

> "
No!, trusteechild, I will neVer pay my abusers. Quasi is never going to get a peNNy, stlaker. Fuck. Awffff."

> Mont drops them as clients and backs out, as the principle debtor in question has literally told him that he will refuse to make any payments.
Sounds reasonable except the part about Niki taking any initiative. It was all Lynn dragging her down to that office.


Stand Alone Fruit
I’m thinking they would look at his income pattern and realize he got paid once and hasn’t been paid again. In my personal experience commission/performance pay isn’t factored in to how your income is viewed until you have a few years of consistent pay. Maybe it’s different for authors but I doubt it.
The only example I know that is close to Pat’s situation was I ran a bar & grill in an AC hotel & casino years ago and they had a Legends tribute show with people impersonating various music artists. They had a Britney Spears one and she would come in and get drunk from time to time. She told me how just getting a mortgage for her house in Vegas was a major pain in the ass since she’s an “entertainer” and is freelance employed by casino shows which was difficult to get an idea of her average income. I assume it’s the same for Pat when it comes to a debt plan (he is listed second on the mortgage after Niki who has a BK in her history)


Breakfast Corn
Yeah, that’s what I’m saying. His “part” of that lawsuit is all of it. There was no SFWA business litigated at all. They don’t fund lawsuits for their members, they provide loans.
Id love to know just how much that put him in the hole. He has to be over $100k all said and done.( incl. quasis cut) I bet they prioritized the SFWA payments and are just trying to stall and extend the quasi payments until they are out of options. I really hope that bench warrant is back on the table.

Harry Powell

Semen is the aggression of a man
I’m thinking they would look at his income pattern and realize he got paid once and hasn’t been paid again. In my personal experience commission/performance pay isn’t factored in to how your income is viewed until you have a few years of consistent pay. Maybe it’s different for authors but I doubt it.

I had to show three fucking years of it to get a mortgage and they averaged it all together.