I wanna see the debtor's movie!


I hope people Ouija you tweets after your dead
My man Jerry Jen just relaxed his “none before noon” rule, blew a huge rail, and picked up the phone. He’s got ham to cure.


SFWA liaison

Heidi Hildeman customer
So what, are they trying to get a judge to just drop the whole thing? Not a lawyer but I don't think that's how this works....
No way, just the Amortization of Debt (payment plan) case. The judgement is still good.

Once the judge accepts the proposed order, all the enforcement restrictions get lifted and Jerry can move forward with garnishing, liens, asking the sheriff to take Susan, etc. All this was PAUSED 60 days ago under the guise that Niki actually had intentions to enter a payment plan.

Sue Lightning

🚨🚨🚨 Niki and Pat's trustee asking the judge to DISMISS the amortization proceedings 🚨🚨🚨
View attachment 128310

Pat "too broke, too fat, too retarded" to qualify for a payment plan, Trustee Mont said to me in a dream

Dan get the documents and watermark them with DanForo logo
Wouldn’t dismissal of the amortization not mean an argument for dismissal of the entire debt, but rather a dismissal of the payment plan they agreed on?


🚨🚨🚨 Niki and Pat's trustee asking the judge to DISMISS the amortization (payment plan) proceedings 🚨🚨🚨
View attachment 128310

Pat "too broke, too fat, too retarded" to qualify for a payment plan, Trustee Mont said to me in a dream

edit: to clarify he's asking the judge to drop the "soft bankruptcy" option under which Niki had a bucnh of extra protections, not to dismiss the judgement.

Dan get the documents and watermark them with DanForo logo
Lmfao. Paging Mr Mullen, we need to see that proposal

SFWA liaison

Heidi Hildeman customer
Wouldn’t dismissal of the amortization not mean an argument for dismissal of the entire debt, but rather a dismissal of the payment plan they agreed on?
yes I just edited the post to make it clearer
  • WI offers debtors the option for a "soft bankruptcy", in which you enter a 3 year plan but a bunch of your assets are protected, interest is 0%, doesn't rape your credit score too hard
  • Niki and Pat filed to take that route 60 days ago
  • the Trustee is supposed to analyze their finances and come up with the plan if possible. Also take input from creditor(s). Submit the plan to the judge.
  • The trustee instead is telling the judge to end this case. Either the Robinsons didn't cooperate, or he deems it unfeasible. We need someone to request the documents to know why.
I do think it's noteworthy that it's THE TRUSTEE asking for the case to be dismissed, not Niki's lawyer directly. But maybe that's just how it's done

When all is said and done, this case just bought them 2 months of time.


12 paramedics couldnt save ur fuckin life boy
I'm a dumb 13 year old girl but from what I can gather, an independent trustee was appointed to look over Patrick's finances. If that trustee decides the amortization plan is not feasible, they can ask for the plan to be dismissed. Between Patrick & Niki not having jobs, spending on vacations & baseball games, and openly bragging on social media how he won't pay a penny, kinda obvious where the trustee is coming from.

Sounds like the trustee doesn't have the power to go "oh my God the debtor is the victim, cancel the debt immediately!"


Uncle J’s Sink Emporium

Enjoy prison, Y’munkoke
yes I just edited the post to make it clearer
  • WI offers debtors the option for a "soft bankruptcy", in which you enter a 3 year plan but a bunch of your assets are protected, interest is 0%, doesn't rape your credit score too hard
  • Niki and Pat filed to take that route 60 days ago
  • the Trustee is supposed to analyze their finances and come up with the plan if possible. Also take input from creditor(s). Submit the plan to the judge.
  • The trustee instead is telling the judge to end this case. Either the Robinsons didn't cooperate, or he deems it unfeasible. We need someone to request the documents to know why.
I do think it's noteworthy that it's THE TRUSTEE asking for the case to be dismissed, not Niki's lawyer directly. But maybe that's just how it's done

When all is said and done, this case just bought them 2 months of time.
Could be that this process is for wage earners, which Rick and Nick are not, even in their fake jobs.


yes I just edited the post to make it clearer
  • WI offers debtors the option for a "soft bankruptcy", in which you enter a 3 year plan but a bunch of your assets are protected, interest is 0%, doesn't rape your credit score too hard
  • Niki and Pat filed to take that route 60 days ago
  • the Trustee is supposed to analyze their finances and come up with the plan if possible. Also take input from creditor(s). Submit the plan to the judge.
  • The trustee instead is telling the judge to end this case. Either the Robinsons didn't cooperate, or he deems it unfeasible. We need someone to request the documents to know why.
I do think it's noteworthy that it's THE TRUSTEE asking for the case to be dismissed, not Niki's lawyer directly. But maybe that's just how it's done

When all is said and done, this case just bought them 2 months of time.
If I'm not mistaken, this was filed something like 2 days after Patrick skipped the debtor's exam, and apparently Patrick called up the commissioner with a sob story about why he was unable to make it. Maybe the entire point of this was to avoid getting a bench warrant and/or be forced to sit down and disclose his finances. And of course hope beyond hope that in that time, Quasi and all of us are arrested and imprisoned for felony laughing at a fat retarded faggot.


Breakfast Corn
If I'm not mistaken, this was filed something like 2 days after Patrick skipped the debtor's exam, and apparently Patrick called up the commissioner with a sob story about why he was unable to make it. Maybe the entire point of this was to avoid getting a bench warrant and/or be forced to sit down and disclose his finances. And of course hope beyond hope that in that time, Quasi and all of us are arrested and imprisoned for felony laughing at a fat retarded faggot.
So does this mean the bench warrant/ finances scenario is back on the table?


12 paramedics couldnt save ur fuckin life boy
If I'm not mistaken, this was filed something like 2 days after Patrick skipped the debtor's exam, and apparently Patrick called up the commissioner with a sob story about why he was unable to make it. Maybe the entire point of this was to avoid getting a bench warrant and/or be forced to sit down and disclose his finances. And of course hope beyond hope that in that time, Quasi and all of us are arrested and imprisoned for felony laughing at a fat retarded faggot.

Holy shit, what if Lynne organized the amortization plan on their behalf, but when the trustee reached out to Patrick they got the whole No, I will not be paying a penny toward my abuser. That is not something that gets to happen. Not now, not ever.

So the trustee ripped up the proposal Lynne's lawyers worked on to provide the best way out of this for Niki. While Patrick considers it a win.

Uncle J’s Sink Emporium

Enjoy prison, Y’munkoke
Holy shit, what if Lynne organized the amortization plan on their behalf, but when the trustee reached out to Patrick they got the whole No, I will not be paying a penny toward my abuser. That is not something that gets to happen. Not now, not ever.

So the trustee ripped up the proposal Lynne's lawyers worked on to provide the best way out of this for Niki. While Patrick considers it a win.
The only way out would be a $53k check to Quasi and then quick divorce before he piles more shit on.


Holy shit, what if Lynne organized the amortization plan on their behalf, but when the trustee reached out to Patrick they got the whole No, I will not be paying a penny toward my abuser. That is not something that gets to happen. Not now, not ever.

So the trustee ripped up the proposal Lynne's lawyers worked on to provide the best way out of this for Niki. While Patrick considers it a win.
i could see that happening.