I wanna see the debtor's movie!

Prison Enjoyer

Status: Enjoying Prison! 😁
whats the timeline on payments now did the amortization give them this much time? Fuckin ay

Court date on July 21st at 4 PM for the judge to sign off on the trustee's report, thus approving the monthly payment plan. That date is also likely the time for the Jen boys to object and point out it's a fucking bullshit scam (which it is); we'll see what happens.

The Cloudflare quash plus additional fees accrued pre-Jan-6, $32k, is the current debt domesticated in Milwaukee. There is likely additional creditors involved in the amortization though (credit card debts etc.); from all I've read, amortization (Ch. 128) is predominately used by debtors who owe multiple creditors who are all fighting to be paid first, with amortization settling that fight and setting up a 3-yr plan for everyone to be paid in due time since the debtors can't afford to pay everyone at once.

Again it is unlikely to go through once Jen points out they have plenty of assets (plus taking vacations) and have stated many times that they are willingly choosing not to pay. However, if it does, it will just be Lynn covering the monthly payments off while Pat gets away scot-free.


Court date on July 21st at 4 PM for the judge to sign off on the trustee's report, thus approving the monthly payment plan. That date is also likely the time for the Jen boys to object and point out it's a fucking bullshit scam (which it is); we'll see what happens.

The Cloudflare quash plus additional fees accrued pre-Jan-6, $32k, is the current debt domesticated in Milwaukee. There is likely additional creditors involved in the amortization though (credit card debts etc.); from all I've read, amortization (Ch. 128) is predominately used by debtors who owe multiple creditors who are all fighting to be paid first, with amortization settling that fight and setting up a 3-yr plan for everyone to be paid in due time since the debtors can't afford to pay everyone at once.

Again it is unlikely to go through once Jen points out they have plenty of assets (plus taking vacations) and have stated many times that they are willingly choosing not to pay. However, if it does, it will just be Lynn covering the monthly payments off while Pat gets away scot-free.
Dam so we wont get to see all his income and earnings?

Pringle Can Lothario

Sir...don't do that!
Court date on July 21st at 4 PM for the judge to sign off on the trustee's report, thus approving the monthly payment plan. That date is also likely the time for the Jen boys to object and point out it's a fucking bullshit scam (which it is); we'll see what happens.

The Cloudflare quash plus additional fees accrued pre-Jan-6, $32k, is the current debt domesticated in Milwaukee. There is likely additional creditors involved in the amortization though (credit card debts etc.); from all I've read, amortization (Ch. 128) is predominately used by debtors who owe multiple creditors who are all fighting to be paid first, with amortization settling that fight and setting up a 3-yr plan for everyone to be paid in due time since the debtors can't afford to pay everyone at once.

Again it is unlikely to go through once Jen points out they have plenty of assets (plus taking vacations) and have stated many times that they are willingly choosing not to pay. However, if it does, it will just be Lynn covering the monthly payments off while Pat gets away scot-free.
Looking for a silver lining here:

- Our lord and savior Quasi gets paid
- Lynne paying the vig opens Fatrick and the Dyke up to a tax evasion issue


I hope people Ouija you tweets after your dead
Not this time but dont lose hope just yet. There is still another $20k that hasnt been domesticated in milwaukee yet. Once pat finalizes the first one, he will have to go through it all over again. Maybe the second time he will have to reveal his earnings.
Doesn’t the non-reveal assume that Jen/Quasi accepts the amortization plan?

SFWA liaison

Heidi Hildeman customer
It's been 41 days since the trustee got appointed. Based on other cases we checked, his report (with the proposed plan and Jerry's objections) should be filed in the next couple of weeks or so.

But who knows, the pig might try to switch genders to avoid the debt or some other stupid plan to delay


Stand Alone Fruit
It's been 41 days since the trustee got appointed. Based on other cases we checked, his report (with the proposed plan and Jerry's objections) should be filed in the next couple of weeks or so.

But who knows, the pig might try to switch genders to avoid the debt or some other stupid plan to delay
He might actually think him doing stand up again will be the key to their money problems. “Can’t look for a job today Niki, I’m working on my set!”


I honestly dont know. I have never put my life in these kind of dire straits like pat has. Jen is clearly using a tactic that is probably common in these situations to really wring pat out the hardest/longest way possible.
I don’t think he’s trying to wring him out - I think he just wants to get his client what he’s legally entitled to. The world beats down on liars and cheats like Pat

Tagine Enthusiast

Gifted by Lynne!
I’m guessing he has forgot the interview to the Daily Beast in which he confirms he owes over $40,000. I suspect he wouldn’t appreciate anyone sending him that on Twitter.

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.
I don’t think he’s trying to wring him out - I think he just wants to get his client what he’s legally entitled to. The world beats down on liars and cheats like Pat
There has to be a reason he didnt go after the whole amount all at once. Im not saying I know the answer but Id like to think that pat would have to pay for another amortization and go through this all over again at some point. Can you file chapter 128 twice in a row? It could also be a bit of "insurance" to keep it separated. There is a plan. I just dont know what it is. Just spitballin.


There has to be a reason he didnt go after the whole amount all at once. Im not saying I know the answer but Id like to think that pat would have to pay for another amortization and go through this all over again at some point. Can you file chapter 128 twice in a row? It could also be a bit of "insurance" to keep it separated. There is a plan. I just dont know what it is. Just spitballin.
I hear you and granted I’m not a lawyer but I think that may have to do with the amount that’s domesticated in Wisconsin. Your guess is as good as mine though

Harry Powell

Semen is the aggression of a man
There has to be a reason he didnt go after the whole amount all at once. Im not saying I know the answer but Id like to think that pat would have to pay for another amortization and go through this all over again at some point. Can you file chapter 128 twice in a row? It could also be a bit of "insurance" to keep it separated. There is a plan. I just dont know what it is. Just spitballin.
I believe it was for “insurance” purposes. Someone here had a good analysis about why this would be advantageous in case Pat got up to any LEGAL GAMESMANSHIP