I wanna see the debtor's movie!

Sue Lightning

Good to see certified real nigga Pawlowski back in action for Quasi. His motion for contempt filing last year was a fawkin banger, can't wait to see what he does when Pig tries to dodge it again.

The judge this time is Milwaukee Circuit Court Judge Michael J. Hanrahan, who was appointed to the court in 2016 by Republican Governor and Patrick sworn arch-enemy Scott Walker. Supposedly, he really doesn't like tardy debtors (for good reason) and never gives them leeway. I'm so sorry, Pat.
We ask that the court move to remove this judge from the case due to impartiality. My client is a well known classical conservative and we fear that his outspoken nature on progressive issues will bar Mr. Hanrahan from performing his job without bias.

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.
He's only doubled-down on the behavior which got him into this mess in the first place. Picking fights with people and threatening people on social media consumes at least 18 hours out of his day every day and he still overshares his life, posting his locations and doxing his own address and license plate numbers. Whomever bailed him out last time would be a retarded fool to do it again, but he is surrounded by retarded fools.
I also think when pat was begging/demanding someone else pay for his own actions, he lied to them that $44k covers all of his legal expenses and it would resolve the whole thing and he can move forward. I doubt he said there was another $22k-$35k lingering and he would actually need $80k total to cover these secondary bills. Lets just say that Pat/niki were able to take out some kind of bank loan ( I doubt it) to pay for the previous fees. There is no way they will give him another one for a similar amount within a year. I think the same goes for if Mama Raven dipped into her retirement to help or if the SFWA cut the check. I really think he lied saying it was a one time payment and he was clear. Now he has to go back to whoever, dirty brewers hat in hand and ask again. I hope whoever it is sees that pat wasnt honest with them and they tell him that he is on his own for the remaining amount.
I also think when pat was begging/demanding someone else pay for his own actions, he lied to them that $44k covers all of his legal expenses and it would resolve the whole thing and he can move forward. I doubt he said there was another $22k-$35k lingering and he would actually need $80k total to cover these secondary bills. Lets just say that Pat/niki were able to take out some kind of bank loan ( I doubt it) to pay for the previous fees. There is no way they will give him another one for a similar amount within a year. I think the same goes for if Mama Raven dipped into her retirement to help or if the SFWA cut the check. I really think he lied saying it was a one time payment and he was clear. Now he has to go back to whoever, dirty brewers hat in hand and ask again. I hope whoever it is sees that pat wasnt honest with them and they tell him that he is on his own for the remaining amount.
I'm pretty sure this will qualify as income too. We need IRS tips now.