I wanna see the debtor's movie!

To those who said Patposting was dead:



I hope people Ouija you tweets after your dead
How much is Susan worth again? It was, like, a million dollars last I heard from Pat. Easy money but gonna be tough to part with a classic like that.
I think someone looked at the Blue Book and it’s like $5k. Kept outdoors, multiple accidents, two owners, something like 150k miles. Actually $5k sounds high.


Dan doesn't have a penis. I. Do.
" Wow the ham turned out great this xmas....Oh by the way, I also have another one of those judgments for a few grand coming up. I was wondering if we could set up a similar arrangement as last time.....you gunna eat that?"
"No, Niki is crying again because of the criminally insane white supremacist cyberstalkers. Not because of me. Coincidentally, I finally finished the first draft of my next book so as soon as I've sold that I'll be able to pay you back. See? I told you I don't need a 'real job.'"
This seems like a perfect opportunity to re-litigate the case. If Patrick can (for once) hire a lawyer that isn't a drooling imbecile, this should be very easy for him.
Considering this quote from Pat's asinine pro se argument, re-litigating it is exactly what he wants to do (even though he can't at this point):

Now that plaintiff is identified, this step is moot and Defendant may proceed against John "Doe" in his own name, John Gibney, and finally hold Gibney accountable for his tortious conduct.