Here we go again: "SHOTS FIRED" in the hovel


Glow nigger. Got any of those IPs for me?
In the not too distant future, Rick is sprawled out on the ground, his pink fart blankie wrapped around his girthy torso. He breathes heavily as parts of the blankie begin to turn red. Smoke hangs in the air from Niki's last decision.
"911, what's your emergency?" (in space)
"My wife just shot me, I'm at 2611 Oakland. It's a duplex (in space), look it up."
"Very funny sir. We've been informed by that resident that all calls like this are to be treated as phony. *click*"
The cell phone falls from his fat, swollen hand. As his vision goes dark, he has a harrowing realization:
The idiots won.
A couple of small edits and Pat's publisher will print it. Also if you're a tranny that rapes kids you qualify for a free SFWA membership... don't get excited they blew their budget financing someone who tried to sue the internet.


I heard on the Kiwi Farms secret forum there’s talk of someone there who goes by SommervilleDan that called in these fake police reports to launch the comeback of his popular podcast where he does these Brian Gilgore style rants. It’s crazy how they’re always breaking our do not interact rule over there.
You joke but wasn't his great big bit recently POSING as Patrick S Tomlinson to get more people showing up to his panel? Who knows what other wild things that guy is capable of.


It's not REALLY Ray Wilson

IT is the greaTesT film of all Time, aTalker. Prison.


Danny's Mick Footster

Flavia doo doo
Exactly. It’s established that paT is mentally ill

If it was some incel kiwifarms guy calling it, why the fuck would he do it when pat isn’t at the hovel?
Makes zero sense

It has to be pat, this time when he’s away so he wouldn’t be put in cuffs

Then he complains to MKPD (WE LOVE YOU GUYS IF YOURE READING THIS, BACK THE BLUE! 🇺🇸) that he’s being swatted by cyberstalkers to try and force their hand to investigate the redditors informing rick over text that he’s fat
He literally just wants his door kicked in so he can take photos and use it to go viral. They refuse to do so and he chimps out

Danny's Mick Footster

Flavia doo doo
In the not too distant future, Rick is sprawled out on the ground, his pink fart blankie wrapped around his girthy torso. He breathes heavily as parts of the blankie begin to turn red. Smoke hangs in the air from Niki's last decision.
"911, what's your emergency?"
"My wife just shot me, I'm at 2611 Oakland. It's a duplex, look it up."
"Very funny sir. We've been informed by that resident that all calls like this are to be treated as phony. *click*"
The cell phone falls from his fat, swollen hand. As his vision goes dark, he has a harrowing realization:
The idiots won.
I would cum


Williams is more undervalued than underrated. I loved that hairy faggot. Even Death To Smoochy was great

also i remember my aunt taking my cousins and me to see 'Jack' in theaters when it came out. What a weird fucking film to take children to
One Hour Photo was a bit over the top plot-wise, but he pulled off the main character.
His antagonist in Insomnia was bananas too.

Dude could fucking act better than any comedian who ever lived. He was a dark fella under all that coked out silliness.