Good news, guys, the fake death threats he left himself worked

>a phone call

Even if the call happened, Fat's doing this thing again where everyone is guilty for what one person does. In this case, everyone is guilty for something they never knew happened until it was screenshot and posted in this thread from Pat's Twitter. FBI potentially investigating a phone call does not infringe on the right of an imposter child to parody the FBI on Twitter, or for anyone to point and laugh at this fucking pig on a forum.

He is REALLY bad at this.
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For all we know, some sperg or drunken polock from Kiwifarms is actually threatening him for shits and giggles. What’s are you going to do, throw 1,000 people in prison for that?

isn’t it weird that in almost 4 years no one has actually tried to do anything to him physically despite it being very easy for anyone who wanted to do that?

And why does he keep waiting until after his trips to talk about them and say it’s because we’ll burn his house down while he’s gone? Wouldn’t people who are trying to kill him burn the house down with him in it? Why would we want to burn Quasi’s house down?


buck breaker supreme


Access to the Debates
This is his obese way of not letting the idiots win; bogging himself down in an immense pile of lies where he can continue to prolong some vague threat that we all know is either a lie or will go nowhere. His lawsuits, his threats to beat us up and back down when we say sure at a local gym, his claiming to not be crying after losing his twitter, all hilarious lies and missteps.

He’s a coward, he knows it. He was bullied all his life and never stood up for himself besides his “I know you are, child, but what am I?” retorts. His mom was clearly domineering and made him feel small and insignificant. His younger(?) brother has significantly outshined him professionally and academically. His father sounds like a dopey, unemployed loser who probably mowed the lawns of the neighbourhood successes. He’s truly a pitiful retard, tilting at windmills in order to trick himself into feeling important and tough.

Nobody is optioning your schlock for any films, child, and you will continue morphing into Stay Puft. Die clutching your chest about it, Palp Itationson.


For all we know, some sperg or drunken polock from Kiwifarms is actually threatening him for shits and giggles.
Or one of the thousands of other people he's been a complete cunt to over the years. He was bitching about getting doxxing and SWATTed way before anyone here even heard of him.

I think none of that ever happened and he was lying again to make himself look like a victim. Before he ran into the rascals he thought he was an Internet bad-ass. He was blocking people and hiding behind the block, just like he did with Shapiro. But in order to be an Internet Firebrand. Rabble Rouser, and Shit Stirrer, he had to act like he was getting threatened. Then he ran into the rascals and realized that there were actual Internet Rascals, Rabble Rousers, and Shit Stirrers. Oh and he's fat.


why would the cops - from another city - tell rick that a random bomb threat was made to them? what's the association? unless he called them acting as a troll that was impersonating him... this shit makes no sense.

Wait, you're that famous sci-fi guy, Patrick S Tomlinson! Hey were you at that Penguincon?

Why yes, agent Child, I was.

Fuck. I knew we were on to something. You don't know this Patrick, but there was a bomb threat called into the local PD for that con. Lieutenant, I was right. That bomb threat was made for Patrick S Tomlinson! Patrick, we're not going to rest until we catch these guys. No no. No need to change your number. I know you need it because you're a famous writer.

That's the story he's telling in Hooligans. The FBI is involved now. The barstaff and regulars are all nodding their heads and rolling their eyes. They also remember the Huffington Post incident.

Clint Ruin

I'm sorry, who are you?
why would the cops - from another city - tell rick that a random bomb threat was made to them? what's the association? unless fatty called them acting as a troll that was impersonating him... this shit makes no sense.
"So I told them about the bomb threat, and they pulled out a folder and said 'you mean THIS bomb threat?!', and then showed me everything because I've been deputized"


Opie Simp
why would the cops - from another city - tell rick that a random bomb threat was made to them? what's the association? unless fatty called them acting as a troll that was impersonating him... this shit makes no sense.
He deleted the tweet almost immediately. I think that even in his tiny pig brain he knew that tweeting out something about a bomb threat that never happened was not a good idea. A normie reading his feed might contact the FBI on their own and piggy might have been in some trouble.


and her hair smells like red froot loops

"This man must be a gamer" thought the interviewing FBI agent "only a gamer would be this much of a faggot in his 40s".


This is his obese way of not letting the idiots win; bogging himself down in an immense pile of lies where he can continue to prolong some vague threat that we all know is either a lie or will go nowhere. His lawsuits, his threats to beat us up and back down when we say sure at a local gym, his claiming to not be crying after losing his twitter, all hilarious lies and missteps.

He’s a coward, he knows it. He was bullied all his life and never stood up for himself besides his “I know you are, child, but what am I?” retorts. His mom was clearly domineering and made him feel small and insignificant. His younger(?) brother has significantly outshined him professionally and academically. His father sounds like a dopey, unemployed loser who probably mowed the lawns of the neighbourhood successes. He’s truly a pitiful retard, tilting at windmills in order to trick himself into feeling important and tough.

Nobody is optioning your schlock for any films, child, and you will continue morphing into Stay Puft. Die clutching your chest about it, Palp Itationson.
Real talk


>a phone call

Even if the call happened, Fat's doing this thing again where everyone is guilty for what one person does. In this case, everyone is guilty for something they never knew happened until it was screenshot and posted in this thread from Pat's Twitter. FBI potentially investigating a phone call does not infringe on the right of an imposter child to parody the FBI on Twitter, or for anyone to point and laugh at this fucking pig on a forum.

He is REALLY bad at this.
iTs a cRiMiNAL COnsPiRacY ChiLD