Good news, guys, the fake death threats he left himself worked

SFWA liaison

Heidi Hildeman customer
"This is agent Jessica from the Fat Faggots Unit. That post you made on OnA was really funny, wanna have a drink at Hoolies?"


Asians with southern accents


Formerly know as Fat Abbot
Lol. OK, Pig. Apparently he had a rare moment of clarity and realized for a change that his most recent lie read like the bullshit it is.
This fat idiot knows that when a bomb threat is called in the protocol is to evacuate the place immediately and normally it gets reported about at least on a local news level. That didn't happen at any of these cons.

This is why I'm skeptical he even talked with the FBI because he lies so fucking much you never know if he's actually telling the truth.


I really think this is more bullshit he's made up but if someone has done it, it doesn't appear to have been anyone here. So he's gonna send the FBI here and what? They're gonna see people calling him fat and stupid. I have yet to see a post where someone has called him and made a death threat. The bomb threat thing is the cherry on top of his bullshit sundae. Nobody here did that. I hope the FBI actually finds out it was him making this shit up and his ass goes to jail. Although then Quasi won't get his money. It's a tough one.

Clint Ruin

I'm sorry, who are you?
cocky pat is back, folks. Fireworks soon?

And where the fuck is spaceedge?!?!? FUCK!

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Ha, fucking hilarious.

Here's what I think happened, Pat kicked up a bunch of dust and got MKE FBI's best "there there" person, made Rick feel like a special important man and sent him on his way. Like the fat rube he is, he mistook that for an actual commitment from law enforcement that this horseshit is worth the budget or the manhours. Now he's got bigboy bravado and, is always the case when he mistakenly thinks he has the upper hand, is in full blown Sassy Pat mode.