Dilbert Man goes full Tomlinson


Keyboard Warrior
Scott Adams in 2016: "I am understand human psychology and persuasion and used that knowledge to predict Trump winning the election in a landslide."

Scott Adams in 2023 regarding why he took the COVID vax:


Link to tweet: https://twitter.com/ScottAdamsSays/status/1616787152645550081


Powdered Toast Man


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Keyboard Warrior


May St. Mel bless you

Yes, Scott, the master of persuasion and human psychology, doesn't understand that when people are proven right, they never, ever actually explain how they figured things out. If only the ones who predicted the vaccine scam would share their superior reasoning!
Like Penn Jillette and other “free thinkers” who went from fuck the government to get the jab retard the government knows best! it was about logic. It was purely about growing old and being scared of a scary new sickness. They heard the anti vax arguments and it didn’t matter because everyone had to give up freedom so their old asses could feel safe.


I wanted to shit on this guy and call him a loser but then I remembered that he made millions off being a cartoonist when he can't even fucking draw. He also has a hot Instagram gold digger for a wife:

View attachment 15644 View attachment 15645

Sperglord or no, if he still puts his saggy old man balls in this broad's face on a regular basis, I have to give him his due.
My estimation of Dilbertfag as a man has just fuckin SKYROCKETED.


Keyboard Warrior
WTF I love Scott Adams now:

For those too lazy to click the video, Scott says,

The best advice I would give to White people is to get the hell away from Black people. Just get the fuck away. Wherever you have to go, just get away. Because there's no fixing this.
I saw this and thought it was a deepfake. It apparently is not.