Cool movies for a 12 year old boy to see?


I was only jokin'
With Halloween coming up, if he's into horror the original Alien rules. I really like the original Dawn of the Dead, although the special effects were very dated even when I saw it. If you can get past that though, it's a great survival movie. Also enjoyed the Evil Dead movies back then.

@McGowan6 I get what you mean about a couple years making a difference. Those years kind of blurred together for me. My parents didn't mind action or some horror, but I wouldn't have been allowed to watch something like Taxi Driver or Blue Velvet back then. Even if they're less gory, I guess they considered the content too adult and disturbing for a teenager.


and now it's all over
Kill Bill is perfect for 12 year olds (though the whole 'pussy wagon' bit is a bit much)...but as an adult it doesn't hold up. They quote a Trix cereal commercial. It's cringe.
I always forget about the comatose rape section; such an uncomfortable and pointless scene. @Harry Powell if you do go with kill bill, maybe fast forward the movie after she wakes up in hospital and realises her baby's gone
Also, women would be terrible kung fu artists/ninja.
I mean, it's basically a live action cartoon. just enjoy the fun movie, stupid

Lamont & Tonelli

Brevity is... wit.
On the other side of the coin, here are good movies I saw around that age that I think were highly inappropriate and my parents should be ashamed of themselves.
Sophie's Choice, just a depressing fucking movie.
The Boys From Brazil, really psychologically horrifying stuff in there. I don't remember much of it, but the impression I have is very strong and unpleasant.
Gandhi, but that was my psychotic 4th grade teacher's fault. Not a movie for 10 year olds.
The Shining, I might have been 13 but I was alone in the house at night and had decided to get drunk on brandy. It probably wouldn't have been so bad if I were sober and my dad was watching it with me.


NYC Mayor
Get him into old school Rasslin. WWF and ECW.

It will teach him how to figure out that Politics is fake bullshit.

It will teach him to always question unfair authority, even if it means putting a target on his own back.

It will teach him to give bullies a fuckin' CRACK if they try the fake tough guy act with him.

It will teach him that gays and most minorities are showy and just want negative attention.

It will teach him that women are property who can be bought, sold, won and lost in contests between men.

It will teach him to turn on his friends if they take advantage of him, or if they take credit for his achievements.

It will teach him that sometimes the only way to survive is to grab your competition by the throat and to choke the life out of them.

It will teach him thou shalt not steal, thou shalt not kill, and thou shalt not Fuck with The Dudleyz.
Has the boy seen Good Burger?
damn that's a real ass post right there. I second this, The Warriors, Ace Ventura and Beetlejuice which were all mentioned.

I'd add:
Office Space
Silence of the Lambs
Young Frankenstein
Jeremiah Johnson
Fargo? you may need to wait a year or two to introduce The Big Lebowski

if you really want your kid to be fancy schmancy you should also force him to watch some longer format stuff. Spartacus would be a good first.