Cool movies for a 12 year old boy to see?

Harry Powell

You’re the girl I needed in jr. high
These are all rated R but I watched them when I was younger:

The Road Warrior, Total Recall, They Live, Southern Comfort, Scorsese's Golden Era movies, Bottle Rocket, Blade Runner, The Good the Bad and the Ugly
Good call brotherman. He loved Total Recall. We watched Thunderdome as a feeler to see if he could handle the other Mad Maxs but he cried when one of the kids died so I shut it off. However that was 3 years ago he’s probably ready now.
No Jewish pornography pls Funsters.

I make a real effort to expose my son to all the cultural touchstones. I want his pop culture background to be varied and expansive.

What are some of them movies you saw as an adolescent that stuck with you or shaped your youth?

I saw The Thing with my dad when I was 10 and it influenced the entire rest of my life, for an example
go very wholesome..... sandlot

Monica Bellucci

Mommy Monica
The Matrix

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