Contempt of Court

Steve Ramone

Fatso has 2 options:
  1. Show up, risk being held in contempt for previous behavior and be arrested on the spot
  2. Don't show up, get held in contempt doubly so, then try to waddle his way out of the bench warrants before he gets pulled over.
When trying to predict Pat's behaviour, choose the dumbest option and you'll still be wrong because he did something so stupid no rational person could even comprehend it.
For those rooting for "contempt of court," we got the right judge for it. Sosnay will 100% fine Patrick if he no-shows.


T. Booth Willy

Caged heat
I listened to tape 5 again last night so this was really funny to see. The judge said quasi was getting nothing. You didnt listen, child. It's hard to believe he's a real person. If he gets arrested, or even just gets cornered by the judge and forced into acknowledging his debts he will meltdown like he did the night he was arrested for exposing himself on his porch.


At this point I would have to believe relief is not coming from Lynne or if it was, it was in the form of that amortization and not in a lump sum.
If nikki was in danger of a prison stint she might intervene otherwise, this is Fatty's mess.

Lynne didn't help out with the first bankruptcy which was completely avoidable or correctable with a minimum amount of input.
There doesn't seem to be any help with the buying of the house, fat&stinks had to go direct with the owner of the house to setup some sort purchase as mortgage companies wouldn't touch them then.
It's possible Lynne knew about the amount when it was a mere $17k, she wouldn't wait till its $50k+ before squashing it.

I would like to think that Lynne is sitting back an thinking 'fuck pat'.
Since Marrying nikki he has - helped clean out any equity in the house
earned on average less than $20k a year with his vanity career.
A weeks total worth of house/garden maintenance since living there
brought a lot of fawkin heat to the household and family
brought a $50k debt to the household that has zero to show for it.
is fat, smug, arrogant and stupid.
Lynne and possibly niki are far more educated and qualified than Rick, i'm sure that is apparent in his behavior around her as he seethes, passive aggressively when she takes control.

I think fatty is playing chicken with Lynne hoping she bails her daughter out. He is also hoping his emotional control over nikki is strong enough that she doesn't bail. If she did, Patrick would have nothing but the monster left.
It would be pretty funny if we'd pegged Lynne wrong and she was actually a hard-nosed business woman who was just happy to have her dud lesbo daughter out of the house.

"You've run up debts and are facing bankruptcy in your 20s? Tough shit. You made your bed." "Your idiot husband owes someone he's never met 50 grand in legal fees? Not my problem. You're 40 fucking years old, Niki. Deal with it yourself."

Funnier still would be if Mental Fat started social media accounts in her name as another 1.7 strategy to DLTIW and was behind the "my SIL is being stalked by white supremacist cyberstalkers" bullshit, and Lynne doesn't know about any of this because she hasn't seen Rick since she stopped inviting him to Thanksgiving 3 years ago.


What would you do for a Klondike bar?

Sue Lightning


No, child. You will not see my 128 G. You have been warned thousands of times to stop following me around the yard. Continuing to do so constitutes felony felon harassment.


Never, child. And I don’t have a “skin beef”. You. Do. It is a result of the thou…