Contempt of Court

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.
Wasn’t Pat unusually quiet on Friday? Guess it makes sense now since the court dates show July 14. He got some bad news!
Might have seemed like it but Id say it was pretty normal for him, going by the numbers



What you Torquin 'bout Wheelers
Judging by that screen shot of milwaukee county, there arent too many whites. He would be a target. Once they see how he acts when you fuck with him they will do it for daily entertainment.
You are going to prison, stlaker. As soon as you have served your sentence, you will be going straight back to prison for felony harassment, convict stlaker.


Portly Pepperoni Purveyor
Lynne’s role in all of this is so confusing to me because surely she and Niki are aware, to an extent, how bad this situation actually is? I get the impression she must be very hands off and leaves Niki alone to sort out her problems. She has the resources to solve this problem but seems to just turn a blind eye just like when she let Niki declare bankruptcy the first time.

At this point I would have to believe relief is not coming from Lynne or if it was, it was in the form of that amortization and not in a lump sum.
If nikki was in danger of a prison stint she might intervene otherwise, this is Fatty's mess.

Lynne didn't help out with the first bankruptcy which was completely avoidable or correctable with a minimum amount of input.
There doesn't seem to be any help with the buying of the house, fat&stinks had to go direct with the owner of the house to setup some sort purchase as mortgage companies wouldn't touch them then.
It's possible Lynne knew about the amount when it was a mere $17k, she wouldn't wait till its $50k+ before squashing it.

I would like to think that Lynne is sitting back an thinking 'fuck pat'.
Since Marrying nikki he has - helped clean out any equity in the house
earned on average less than $20k a year with his vanity career.
A weeks total worth of house/garden maintenance since living there
brought a lot of fawkin heat to the household and family
brought a $50k debt to the household that has zero to show for it.
is fat, smug, arrogant and stupid.
Lynne and possibly niki are far more educated and qualified than Rick, i'm sure that is apparent in his behavior around her as he seethes, passive aggressively when she takes control.

I think fatty is playing chicken with Lynne hoping she bails her daughter out. He is also hoping his emotional control over nikki is strong enough that she doesn't bail. If she did, Patrick would have nothing but the monster left.


What would you do for a Klondike bar?
What's really going to be funny is if the swatting stops when Pat's in jail, and unable to access an unmonitored phone. That'll really narrow the list of suspects.

Please, Lord; please guide Pat to miss the hearing so the Honorable Judge Sosnay issues a bench warrant and he spends a couple of months in jail.

EDIT: If he gets swatted when there's a warrant out for his arrest, they'll take him to jail. I'm guessing the swatting will end right about the time the warrant gets written; maybe one more if a Kiwifarmer starts feeling frisky.
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