Contempt of Court


Glow nigger. Got any of those IPs for me?
He reads everything here.
I hope so. Pat, tell Hooligans the soup is as garbage as their FB makes it look.


My huge-cocked pal stole my wife and PUPPIES!
So I've done county time in Milwaukee, and it is fucking brutal. Milwaukee has 2 facilities for short term/misdemeanor offenders. There is the Milwaukee County Jail downtown, they do booking and processing, holding for court, etc. Thats the one you see in the pics earlier in the thread. If Pat is given a few days in the cooler for contempt, he'll most likely stay there. It is not fun, theres no televisions in the pods, the only entertainment is a $2 piece if shit radio they charge $50 on canteen for. All there is to do is play cards, and based on my experience, with the way Pat carries himself he'll be labeled a Chester right of the bat and most likely ignored in a holding pod. Downtown is locked down as fuck because it's filled to the brim with violent nigger killers awaiting trial. So he most likely won't get his ass whooped there, but he's not going to like it one bit.

BUT! If he catches a misdemeanor with some time attached, over a week or two, he will be going to the House of Corrections in Franklin which is where they house most misdemeanor offenders. It is a dorm style facility that is about 100 to 1 nigger to peckerwood ratio. Same as county, no TV, book are worse than Starship Repo tier romance novel, I like motorsports so I read a lot of Nascar fantasy romances there. Once again he will be immediately labeled a chomo by his demeanor and speech, but this time he'll most likely be bashed by a street nigger and then sent to PC for some real hard time. I got lucky and a white CO took pity on my ass and sent me back downtown to be a trustee which was pretty decent for jail. But most COs are from the same hood as the niggers in the bunks, and they'll watch him get beat and send him to the hole for it afterwards.

In both facilities rec time is walking circles around a basketball court, if youre luck a nigger CO might bring a ball from home, but Rick definitely won't be allowed in that crew. Outside of rec time, any exercise is forbidden. Get caught doing push-ups in your cell, you're going to the hole. I've also done a little time in Waukesha County Jail to compare, and Milwaukee is a living hell.

Finally, his alcohol problem. If he is stupid enough to admit to it during booking, or the COs notice he is withdrawing, he goes to the medical pod where you sit naked in a suicide vest and suffer until the physical part is over. Unless he has seizures he will get no comfort meds.

I served my time more than 10 years ago under Sherriff Clarke, things may have softened up a bit, but Milwaukee is a nigger town, it's a shithole and jail is never a place you wanna be. I was once a stupid arrogant faggot who thought I was someone special despite being just like everyone else. I manned up and learned a trade and things are good now.

It's over now Pat, if you are found in contempt or go to jail the media won't touch you with a 10 foot pole. You'll probably even lose most of your sycophant faggots on Twitter when they see what a lying sack of shit you are. Now's the time, man up or the world is going to man you up, one way or another.

Hopefully this information is interesting or entertaining to someone, probably just exceeded Pat's Tiny Tim book's word count.
You’re not allowed to do pushups in your cell?