Buffalo shooting.

Jim Norton’s Wife's Cock

Those breeches will stay open!
I'm no mailman but wouldn't the stamp at the top have some marking on it?

“My god.. these are gravy stains”
Obviously he killed those people... but the way things are playing out after seem so scripted. Full on alt right stereotypes from the shooter himself and the media is just....i don't know...

It's a tough one man...
It's not tough to imagine some basement-dwelling retard working himself into a frenzy over black crime statistics, to a point where he decides to go Negro hunting. But it's going to backfire horribly, at least from his perspective, as he's just kicked off a wave of "we don't feel safe" narratives re: the blacks, which will serve to further marginalize him and his ilk. It was counter-productive.

What he should have done was don full Proud Boys type regalia, then go to that supermarket and film himself politely helping old black women carry their groceries to their cars. Then if anyone gave him shit, he'd have evidence of their incivility and savagery. But he fucked it all up.