Active shooter at Texas Elementary School

Say “Cookie”

ShutYourCakehorn/gassers Alt


WWAW turning into da uncle ted?
Fuckin paradox man, so nice being innawoods disconnected but at the same time i get a gay feeling of self righteousness “oh you’re that guy, who doesnt watch the news or keep up with current events maaaaan”.
And it’s nice to see what (((they))) are pushing
It’s a tough one , genuinely
Be the guy who watches the 'news' the same way Cinema Sins watches Movies. Critique the event/stories, show your sophisticated taste and knack for nuance...challenge the content creators to do better where need be, and give them accolades where/when they surprise you.


More laws/hoops only make it harder for those that actually follow the law. If you are a criminal with bad intentions you can get a gun off the black market or steal one and do whatever you were planning even cheaper than buying a gun legally.
This is what the Niggers in Toronto do...smuggle Glocks, 9mm semi autos, etc from Detroit and NY.

Meanwhile if you kill one while he is burglarizing you you will get prosectued.


Formerly know as Fat Abbot
Did he think one of these kids was the next Hitler or something?

I sorta get shooting up your own HS if you were bullied. I don't agree with it, but okay you hate these people. Why shoot up an elementary school?
So far just seems to be another mentally ill loser who did nothing to improve himself or his own life. Apparently he was flunking out of High School and wasn't going to graduate and had just quit his job at Wendy's a month before. Started also messaging some random chick on Instagram a few days prior and shit. Also some parallels to Sandy Hook as he shot his aunt before heading to the school. If I had to guess he had hit rock bottom and had nothing left to lose and decided he wanted to go out in infamy as the next Sandy Hook shooter?