Active shooter at Texas Elementary School


Formerly know as Fat Abbot
The Dems and Hollywood really thought Beto would be the next Obama. I think it was Beto’s father (also in politics) who told him to call himself Beto because it’s obvious he thinks Hispanics are stupid and will vote for him because he has a Hispanic nickname.
He was the IT guy and the front runner for all of a week. They tried to push him hard with that time magazine cover and all that shit. As much as Dave Smith sucks he had a good segment on just how fucking weird it was this guy came out of nowhere and was being pushed on everyone.

Thankfully even the Dems saw through l his faggotry which rarely happens these days.




Gen Z Boss And A Mini


I was actually thinking the same thing. Can you imagine if he had been unvaccinated? The death toll would have been in the hundreds.
Dude, don't talk about scary things like that. Didn't you know that 6 million billion people have died from this horrific disease? Sheesh, lighten up! It's just an American school shooting.