Active shooter at Texas Elementary School

The Arm

Fire stalk with me.


Gen Z Boss And A Mini
It should be SOP that whenever one of these happens, ESPECIALLY if they are shot on site, that The Public get access to all medical records.

My guess is this tranny kid was on some shit for YEARS.

They'll say guns are the problem, but I bet giving out prescriptions readily and freely are the real problem.
Once again, we'll be subjected to more dumb gun control rhetoric when in reality, school shootings are a modern phenomenon that reflects the Godless, materialistic society that we live in. No amount of 'gun control' will fix that. RIP to the victims.

I agree and I think it goes both ways. If you really want to you can get guns anywhere, regardless of the law, and legal gun owners usually do jack shit to stop these shooters. Work on improving mental health instead.

Jim Norton’s Wife's Cock

Those breeches will stay open!
View attachment 44106Another hot take from the homo with no kids:
Reminder that eternal grifter and bullshit artist Piers Morgan went on OnA and got into a “debate” with Nana on gun crime. Piers had no idea what he was talking about and should have been easy pickings for a well informed host of a show.

However, Nana didn’t call him out for his lies and instead started ranting and spouting NRA talking points because he is a dumb, cowardly faggot who doesn’t have a clue about things he claims to be passionate about.


Gen Z Boss And A Mini
Interesting 4Chan thread about this. Apparently the Buffalo shooter and the guy who did this Texas shooting were on the same Discord. Not 100% verified, but very fishy.



Stand Alone Fruit
His whole political career has been nothing but pandering to the social media Dem crowd and Hispanics. Remember the cringe moment where he randomly started speaking Spanish during the debates? Yuck!
The Dems and Hollywood really thought Beto would be the next Obama. I think it was Beto’s father (also in politics) who told him to call himself Beto because it’s obvious he thinks Hispanics are stupid and will vote for him because he has a Hispanic nickname.