Active shooter at Texas Elementary School



True. I don't watch TV news, for what it's worth. I mean the media and Democrats are using that shooting to push their agenda: internet censorship and branding anyone with right leaning views as the same as the shooter. The sooner something big enough to push Bafflo off the news happens, the sooner libs lose the momentum to push their bullshit.
WWAW turning into da uncle ted?
Fuckin paradox man, so nice being innawoods disconnected but at the same time i get a gay feeling of self righteousness “oh you’re that guy, who doesnt watch the news or keep up with current events maaaaan”.
And it’s nice to see what (((they))) are pushing
It’s a tough one , genuinely


He can't keep getting away with it


Fawwwwwk now they're saying several are dead

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Maybe they should have some interviews and tests and shit for people who want to own guns. I live in a country where you can own guns but you need to do a test and have an interview with a cop before you get the license. And it's like a 90% pass rate. All you need to do is study for 2--3 hours for the test and not be unhinged in a 10 minute chat and you can own a revolver, pistol, shotgun, semi auto rifle. And shootings almost never happen here.
Maybe they should have some interviews and tests and shit for people who want to own guns. I live in a country where you can own guns but you need to do a test and have an interview with a cop before you get the license. And it's like a 90% pass rate. All you need to do is study for 2--3 hours for the test and not be unhinged in a 10 minute chat and you can own a revolver, pistol, shotgun, semi auto rifle. And shootings almost never happen here.
I think people don't really know how many legal guns we have here. There was that shooting in Plymouth last year with some mong killing randoms like an American with a legal gun but really it's very rarely anything other than criminals killing each other here


I think people don't really know how many legal guns we have here. There was that shooting in Plymouth last year with some mong killing randoms like an American with a legal gun but really it's very rarely anything other than criminals killing each other here
I don't live in the UK anymore mate. The laws there are way stricter. Handguns have been legally out since Dunblane and shotguns and rifles are for farmers and hunters exclusively at this point. Have no idea the hoops they have to jump through. Like you say though it's mostly just "rudeboys" shooting each other over "respeck" in London, Birmingham etc.

I'll never be able to get my head around some cunt just going in and murdering a bunch of kids or innocents and nothing happening about it. I don't claim to have the answer but not doing anything definitely isn't it.


Still spreading the O&A virus
Maybe they should have some interviews and tests and shit for people who want to own guns. I live in a country where you can own guns but you need to do a test and have an interview with a cop before you get the license. And it's like a 90% pass rate. All you need to do is study for 2--3 hours for the test and not be unhinged in a 10 minute chat and you can own a revolver, pistol, shotgun, semi auto rifle. And shootings almost never happen here.
If you banned niggers and spics from owning guns, America would rate as one of the safest gun violence countries in the world. Also when you look at gun violence and gun crime stats these communist kike types always omit things like warlord and cartel violence in third world countries. They try to use their heavily skewed and false statistic to make insane claims like "America has more gun violence than Somalia and Mexico combined".

The fact is that in a pure White society practically every single person could be armed to the teeth and there would be next to no violence. The real crime in America is that nonwhites are allowed to live here. Hitler's Germany was filled with guns and no crime or violence, high work rates, women were not allowed into the workforce, low drug use and alcohol use rates.

If you made a simple and straightforward and fair test to stop undesirables from owning guns it would entirely end up discriminating based on race. Whites would pass by and large. Nonwhites would fail the test. This is why standardized tests in schools are being removed because it exposes racial differences.

The fact is that gun laws are made by kikes. The laws are designed to punish honest Whites from owning guns. While allowing nigger and spic criminals to use illegally obtained guns anyways and get instantly paroled to go commit more crimes.