Active shooter at Texas Elementary School


(Voluntarily) torqued boomer
Has pat tried to go viral off this tragedy yet?
Yes, he has.



If you banned niggers and spics from owning guns, America would rate as one of the safest gun violence countries in the world. Also when you look at gun violence and gun crime stats these communist kike types always omit things like warlord and cartel violence in third world countries. They try to use their heavily skewed and false statistic to make insane claims like "America has more gun violence than Somalia and Mexico combined".

The fact is that in a pure White society practically every single person could be armed to the teeth and there would be next to no violence. The real crime in America is that nonwhites are allowed to live here. Hitler's Germany was filled with guns and no crime or violence, high work rates, women were not allowed into the workforce, low drug use and alcohol use rates.

If you made a simple and straightforward and fair test to stop undesirables from owning guns it would entirely end up discriminating based on race. Whites would pass by and large. Nonwhites would fail the test. This is why standardized tests in schools are being removed because it exposes racial differences.

The fact is that gun laws are made by kikes. The laws are designed to punish honest Whites from owning guns. While allowing nigger and spic criminals to use illegally obtained guns anyways and get instantly paroled to go commit more crimes.
The country I live in is over 95% white and any gun short of full auto is available to any citizen who wants to take the time to jump through the hoops. And gun-based murder/crime is extremely low.

I cannot officially approve of or validate your comment, even behind a VPN etc, as freedom of speech here does not include criticism of a certain tribe but I'll leave it at that and let the facts speak for themselves. Hugely majority white country. Every other guy here could potentially be carrying a Glock in his glove box. Shootings almost never happen

Jim Norton’s Wife's Cock

Those breeches will stay open!
14 kids one teacher dead so far.

But still. Americans want their guns so I guess it's a price worth paying
I think it's more to do with the abysmal mental health care there tbh. There are a lot of countries where getting a firearm is easy yet they don't have gun crime relative to the population anywhere near the level is in the U.S. The problem in the U.S is a people problem, not a gun problem.. plus most gun crime in the U.S is niggers killing each other with illegal firearms anyways.

Dummy Gaynuts

Pookie-pie water-pig
Pat is jumping all in with this one. It has everything he loves to hate in it. Texans,Ted Cruz, guns, dead children. He is riding this into the holiday weekend. Prepare for more " Today 14 people should be playing in the sprinklers but now they are in a freezer" posts for the rest of the holiday weekend.
His own daughter could get killed and he wouldn't get a phone call about it until after the funeral. And he'd probably be drunk when he picked up
I think it's more to do with the abysmal mental health care there tbh. There are a lot of countries where getting a firearm is easy yet they don't have gun crime relative to the population anywhere near the level is in the U.S. The problem in the U.S is a people problem, not a gun problem.. plus most gun crime in the U.S is niggers killing each other with illegal firearms anyways.
Not sure. Most people say NHS mental health care is really bad. It's the gun culture. Look how many guns per person compared to any other country. Most the top countries are warzones or shit holes. The US is still well ahead

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.
Maybe they should have some interviews and tests and shit for people who want to own guns. I live in a country where you can own guns but you need to do a test and have an interview with a cop before you get the license. And it's like a 90% pass rate. All you need to do is study for 2--3 hours for the test and not be unhinged in a 10 minute chat and you can own a revolver, pistol, shotgun, semi auto rifle. And shootings almost never happen here.
More laws/hoops only make it harder for those that actually follow the law. If you are a criminal with bad intentions you can get a gun off the black market or steal one and do whatever you were planning even cheaper than buying a gun legally.

Gay Faggot.

I am Dan.
Maybe they should have some interviews and tests and shit for people who want to own guns. I live in a country where you can own guns but you need to do a test and have an interview with a cop before you get the license. And it's like a 90% pass rate. All you need to do is study for 2--3 hours for the test and not be unhinged in a 10 minute chat and you can own a revolver, pistol, shotgun, semi auto rifle. And shootings almost never happen here.
Not gonna jump down your throat about statistics here. They’re irrelevant. The government, will fail, like it always does, and use it solely as a way to get people they don’t like. Asking the government to do anything is wrong. You’re forcing others to behave in a way you find fitting. It’s sad kids died. It doesn’t mean everyone should now be punished. People react out of fear and anger with shit like this. That’s how we got into 9/11. It’s no different. I don’t know a state that doesn’t have fairly strict gun laws. 200 years ago if they did what they do now they would have revolted. Why isn’t the school security the first to blame? Don’t all schools have cops on duty? Why not the cops? If it’s a student why didn’t the teachers do anything? The government is the easiest solution but it always accomplishes nothing.

Popped in my head while typing this too: How many of these shootings happen at private schools? It can’t just be numbers because a lot these are faggot dorks who are angry. Just a thought.

Jim Norton’s Wife's Cock

Those breeches will stay open!
Not sure. Most people say NHS mental health care is really bad. It's the gun culture. Look how many guns per person compared to any other country. Most the top countries are warzones or shit holes. The US is still well ahead
The NHS has been adequate imo, the wait times can be pretty gay but the services offered are fairly good, at least in my area which doesn't have a huge population. I imagine overpopulated shitholes like London will probably be different. I think the main problem in the U.S is due to them not having a lot of mental health facilities and or programs that are accessible to the general public. From what i have gathered, you basically get given medication and sent on your way with zero to little aftercare.

Also, if you look at the areas that comprise the majority of violent deaths by firearms in the U.S, it's "urban" areas in questionable cities and the firearms are nearly always illegally owned. Honestly, if you removed nigger crime from the statistics, the overall rate of violent crime especially in regards to firearms would drop like a lead balloon.

Gay Faggot.

I am Dan.
The NHS has been adequate imo, the wait times can be pretty gay but the services offered are fairly good, at least in my area which doesn't have a huge population. I imagine overpopulated shitholes like London will probably be different. I think the main problem in the U.S is due to them not having a lot of mental health facilities and or programs that are accessible to the general public. From what i have gathered, you basically get given medication and sent on your way with zero to little aftercare.

Also, if you look at the areas that comprise the majority of violent deaths by firearms in the U.S, it's "urban" areas in questionable cities and the firearms are nearly always illegally owned. Honestly, if you removed nigger crime from the statistics, the overall rate of violent crime especially in regards to firearms would drop like a lead balloon.
This is pretty accurate. Our economy is being driven more and more by the health care industry, particularly pharmaceuticals. They will prescribe people drugs, for pretty much nothing. Many of the mass shootings are because the psychos go off their meds for whatever reason. Meds they may not have needed in the first place. Diagnosing guns as the problem is incorrect. People will always find a reason to kill people, and a way how. Look at jap crimes as an example. The reasoning is always ignored because it will hurt certain companies that pay certain news organizations.