WWAW Torquie never again enjoying the company of a woman



Guys I think I have a solution. Torquie travels to Massachusetts and has a threesome with Dan & Flavia, Norma Buster style. That means a long, sexually tense night spent on a rooftop shooting lustful glances at each other.
It finally came over me! How to make it right between all of us. We all have to have sex together.



12 paramedics couldnt save ur fuckin life boy
All Torquie has to do is stop being such a hateful lil' racist and have some half-white kids. Stop being a choosy beggar and find a plump Korean to have half-white hapa babies with. It's clear you have some sort of fetish for fat Asian girls, so just do that.

Plenty of low value guys do this, you stop waiting for the meet cute with the perfect girl and settle. But nooooo Jenna I need to marry some Elsa from Frozen looking bitch or else the Jews win!


With Osteoporosis.
If this is really Dan, & I'm starting to think it is given how much of a faggot he's being on kiwi, you're in no place to talk tough. You blatantly lied with an air of Patrick'esque delusion about your wife being a 9 when she's some 3/10 mongoloid you had to import & if you were sane & not exactly like Patrick, you'd be spending your time protecting her honor from forum schizos, not trying to ingratiate yourself back into the community that seeks to abuse her. Nice priorities, stupid.

If you have to pay for third world love &/or dole out gift cards to girls on a message board who may or may not be black & Chinese, you're on par with loveless incels, so quit acting cocky, mutant retard.