WWAW Torquie never again enjoying the company of a woman


12 paramedics couldnt save ur fuckin life boy
You're not wrong but you're missing one key detail: usually cancel culture kills off good stuff, typically anything with a hint of racism, sexism or any other ism. Dan is a fucking fat faggot egomaniac with bitch tits and a store bought wife. He comes back here under an obvious alt, pretends to take it in stride, then gets cocky enough to make this shit callout thread.

He learned nothing. His beating continues.

Torquie gets to make thousands of threads shitting on him, Dan makes one in return and you suddenly turn into a LEAVE TORQUIE ALONE! white knight?

Yeah bud, that "I get to be mean to you as much as I want but don't you dare cyberbully me" attitude is pure Patrick.
You look more retarded than an Abbo.


This is Ernie Dingo, famous Abbo. You look gayer and stupider than he does (by a large margin).
Thought that was a cumio