WWAW the Chris Rock getting socked at The Oscars?


(Voluntarily) torqued boomer
As usual, faggot reactions all around. Half the people are going full beta acting like he "destroyed" Rock when he had a free shot and barely even got a reaction. Other half calling it fake because everything has to be a conspiracy and it couldn't be that Will Smith is just a sensitive pussy who hits like a bitch.
Yeah. Even the biggest hawks and covid fear pushers have decided that shit can wait because Will Smith got heated over a joke. Hey, Chris, this ain’t your show!


Charming, funny, and witty, atalker.
Man, am hollerin' at summa 'chu niggas fo' finkin' dis be fake. Like, fo' real.

If it was fake, it would have been more hokey - more screaming; needless security intervening. The reason Will Smith was smirking after he slapped Chris Rock was because he was clearly embarassed over his girly chimpout.

And about the camera being on Will Smith during his Josiah pt 5 reenactment; imagine you're the producer / director of some POS award show for faggots and something spontaneous like that happens. You'd be seeing RATINGS and screaming to your crew to put the camera on Big Cuckie.

As an aside, does anyone else remember being a 90s faggot and thinking Will Smith was cool (just like Jim Carey being funny)?