WWAW Owen Hart's death scrubbed from the internet


Gassers/Say "Cookie" Alt
Not going to lie, I’m a massive Dynamite Kid fan. I used to buy bootleg vhs tapes of his All Japan and New Japan matches in the 90s. His book is really good, he gave no fucks unlike almost every other wrestling book out there. I was a British Bulldog fan, but I also thought he was better when he was tagging with Dynamite Kid.
Dynamite was something truly special, a big influence on the generation after him, sad how he ended up.
I realize that I am a homo.


Owen should have just jumped ship when Bret did, look how Vince rewarded him for staying, a faggot ass gimmick and death.

The Black Hart gimmick was still pretty entertaining though, but after that they gave him nothing.

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Vince paid owen a lot to stay. Owen wanted to retire soon and become a firefighter. Vince gave him a big check


Dynamite was something truly special, a big influence on the generation after him, sad how he ended up.
Dynamite was a fucking nut job. His wiki only captures that he broke Bruce Harts jaw and knocked some of Jacques Rougeau’s teeth out by punching him with a roll of quarters. I’ve heard the European guys wrestled styles that were slightly less aggressive than an actual fight so I can’t imagine how tough Dynamite was after he went through Stampede.

I’ve heard interviews where people say he was the biggest locker room bully, in a time where the locker room was full of based and real ass dudes like Paul Orndorff, Iron Sheik, Arn Anderson, Rick Rude, etc.


Heenan and Cornette were the last great bad guy managers. And if you think being this nostalgic about a show featuring gay men rolling around in tights makes me gay then I’ve got a kite you can fly, Hank.
Bobby Heenan was by far the greatest of all time. People forget that Andre’s heel turn was just him showing up on Pipers Pit with Bobby Heenan.


Stand Alone Fruit
Bobby Heenan was by far the greatest of all time. People forget that Andre’s heel turn was just him showing up on Pipers Pit with Bobby Heenan.
Heenan was amazing, you watch old clips and he’s hilarious and would “not be allowed” to say what he did then today. I know that phrase gets thrown around too much but it’s true.


Stand Alone Fruit
They where fucking each other, his gay ass gimmick wasn't a gimmick at all, he's a fruit.

Could be some truth to Vince being “into things” when he comes to other wrestlers. I worked on Hogan Knows Best / Brooke Knows Best years ago as a PA and I remember he was walking around some book store with a wrestler friend (might have been big show) and their mics were on and Hogan made some joke to the other wrestler about pointing to a book about gay men and said “look, there’s Vince” and they both started laughing. Then again Bret hates everyone and Hogan makes up all kinds of shit.