WWAW Owen Hart's death scrubbed from the internet


Stand Alone Fruit
i vaguely recall seeing some 30 second clip on limewire or something...Im certainly not the only one? But this was ages ago
Doubtful, people didn’t have cell phone cameras back then so unless someone snuck a video camera in and happened to shooting there’s no available footage. If anything it would have been picked up by one of the WWE cameras but that footage is locked in a vault or destroyed. People in the arena didn’t even realize something happened.

Opie Army

I coulda been a mawdull
I got to watch that live. Noone knew if it was real or not until Good Morning America reported on it. We all thought it was staged and hed appear at the end of the PPV or something. Nah that nigga splattered like a water balloon.
I seem to remember something that JR told the audience at home that Owen had died from an accident, but they never said it on the PA in the arena. My boss would watch Raw with her kid & I remember her asking me "That was fake, right? Blue Blazer isn't really dead, is he?"


Stand Alone Fruit
Im convinced that Vince completely erased Benoit not because of his heinous act, but because he ruined the exploding limo bit
I bet you’re right, Jimmy Snuka hasn’t been erased and he was aware all along he killed his girlfriend in the early 80s. Vince had at least 6 to 9 months ready for that storyline. It was a good camera trick and would have been huge for ratings.

Opie Army

I coulda been a mawdull
I bet you’re right, Jimmy Snuka hasn’t been erased and he was aware all along he killed his girlfriend in the early 80s. Vince had at least 6 to 9 months ready for that storyline. It was a good camera trick and would have been huge for ratings.
When Snuka was at the Allentown Police station being questioned after calling the ambulance to pick up his dead chick...VKM walked in with a briefcase & walked out with Superfly & the story just kind of went away for 30 years.


Gassers/Say "Cookie" Alt
Poor lil Canadien mug. All he wanted to do was entertain.
Owen should have just jumped ship when Bret did, look how Vince rewarded him for staying, a faggot ass gimmick and death.

The Black Hart gimmick was still pretty entertaining though, but after that they gave him nothing.
