Where did Jackie go


There is a reason for it and a couple funsters
are working on it behind-the-scenes. It’s big news that might make her get off Twitter jackie will into hiding permanently.

Stay tuned.
Gonna have to stop you right there, buddy. If she catches whiffs of what's being uncovered she may find a way to hide it or put pressure on those sharing it before the last bits of intel are gathered. Loose lips, remember? Thanks.


Dan Mullen touched my PP at The Galway Pub
True story: I hadn't looked at her live Twitter account for awhile until late yesterday evening and her pinned tweet has my jaw on the floor; and best of all, Patrick chimed in on that thread as well, as we all know he's wont to do... Temporarily redacted a post for a couple reasons, want to say more but leaving it here for now.
Reported for blue balls