This queer was just ranting about how great a QB Kapernigger was



Don't know much about American football but Kapernick seems like a whiny opportunistic faggot. The trailer for his Netflix show (about what a hard time he had being the mixed race football stud at an all-white Californian high school) looked truly revolting.

On a personal note, my dad went on a business trip to D.C in the mid 90s and came back with a Redskins jersey for me. It had the QB no.5 Joe Shuler on the back. I wore it with pride for a few years and only learned recently that he goes by Heath now, is a politician and was one of the most disappointing first draft picks in NFL history.


These fucks have the gall to call soccer gay while overanalyzing porch monkeys throwing a ball around.
I don't fully understand the appeal of soccer, but a lot of motherfuckers like it. American football is for retarded rube Americans. Which I am.


I have a face like a shovel
the title of this thread called that guy a , "queer"

I'm sorry but if he can get it up, and fuck her, then that nigga is mother fucking John Wayne yo