This queer was just ranting about how great a QB Kapernigger was



Anyone else here starting to hope this bearded doofus drags her over to where Paul's sitting and starts nailing her doggy style over the table, spilling all his drinks and ruining his evening?

Shut up fatty

Neither of ((those people)) were heteronormative, but thanks for showing your bias, dick.


Calm down bro I’m not saying he’s good I said he could be a bench warmer if he hadn’t missed all that time.
You questioned my sobriety and Brothermanhood over this. So I must crush you.

He could not be a bench warmer.
Read this list and tell me he's a better passer than A SINGLE ONE.

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Colin Kaepernick STINKS.
He's a gimmick college QB from a shitdick conference who leveraged his half-blackness into prominence on ESPN because people like that fat whore Jamele Hill bought in. You've been had, bruh.
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You questioned my sobriety and Brothermanhood over this. So I must crush you.

He could not be a bench warmer.
Read this list and tell me he's a better passer than A SINGLE ONE.

[URL unfurl="true"][/URL]

Colin Kaepernick STINKS.
He's a gimmick college QB from a shitdick conference who leveraged his half-blackness into prominence on ESPN because people like that that fat whore Jamele Hill bought in. You've been had, bruh.
Bro I said you’re a solid brotheman. And I said he can’t play now, I said if he’d stayed in the league he could have. Hit me up with this stuff tomorrow.


He does and he will never play again. Even fellow negro Antonio Brown thinks the same.


Despite my uncle scoring three TDs in a single game, let it be known that I, PAUL, am the resident American Gridiron Expert around here. I decide who's good and bad.

What that gets me, I dunno. This is a forum for middle aged alcoholics and junkies to talk about a dead radio show . But if you want info on betting lines, especially for SEC football, I'm your Huckleberrybrotherman.
Anyone saying kaepernick would still be in the league has a poor memory. He didnt start kneeling until he was benched for blaine gabbert...BLAINE GABBERT. Kaepernick threw for 4 yards in three quarters. But yeah totally serviceable QB


He got figured out. It happens. Athletic talent alone will only carry you so far. I cite 2013 Peyton Manning as proof. Guy was a physical wreck at 37 and had the best season of all time.

Kaepernick did one great thing, though. Refused to take a pay cut to come to Denver. It resulted in some terrible football, but that got that cornball Wilson on the Broncos. I'm a faggot Broncos fan, I don't give a care.