

"I was a deranged fucking loser of a kid who thought 'butt' and 'stupid' were swear words, and asked my mommy permission to say them on my birthday. Now I'm being bullied by children as an adult."

Makes sense.


(Voluntarily) torqued boomer
I had a few really good teachers and some bad ones the good ones could relate to the kids and used the carrot and stick method instead of just getting angry if you earn respect people will do whatever you want gladly because they want to impress you especially kids
I take it your English teacher was part of the “bad ones” group. Nice punctuation, stupid.



I Am Racist Man Leader of the Digital Ku Klux Klan
Remember when you were a kid and thought your teachers were terrible? Then the school or your parents would gaslight you with, "You have to respect your teachers! They know best."

No, it turns out they really are terrible.

There is a subreddit for teachers (r/teachers, ya kiddin?) and it's just full of these losers making fun of their students.

View attachment 181779

Wow, kids don't care about being taught about personal finance? They don't even have any finances you stupid fuck.

View attachment 181781

Shut up, cunt. Nigger.

"MA'M EXCUSE ME WHAT." That's how your teachers type, like retards from tumblr. Dumb cunts.

View attachment 181782


I hate teachers. They're gay and nigger.

I have an acquaintance from HS who became a teacher and he's insufferable. He got the easiest degree possible where you barely need to take math and science courses above the level you're teaching so they don't even take major level bio courses to teach middle school science and he's smug and always talks about how stupid people are when he's barely as educated as the average person. And he's an giant fatso who gained like 100 lbs by the end of college. Pat would fit in as a teacher


I Am Racist Man Leader of the Digital Ku Klux Klan
It's like these people live in fantasy land

lol "the niggers didn't have any interest in participating and broken and stole shit; what was I, a white person, doing wrong"

I had a French teacher in high school who would do a sideways kick into my ass and go "oh, I made a mistake" and "why are you still allowed in school" it genuinely hurt my feelings but in hindsight he was really funny
I have a spanish teacher who was missing the top part of his finger (he was a refugee but he claimed it was from an accident later) who would point at you with his stub right in your face. he'd ask the girls to kiss it but in a joking way.
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What would have been the repercussions if when I got in trouble at school, I said to the teacher "you let me off with this or I'm telling everyone you touched my no no place". That probably would have worked. I can't see a downside.


Why does she deserve it? A teacher that actually loves teaching who tells her students off when they don't behave?
because she's a typical liberal reddit cunt who posts in r/childfree. Excerpts from one of her snarky typical posts there:

"So we're sitting down to potluck lunch one day and of course the conversation turns to one of their kids,"

"What part of your brain shuts down when you procreate"

Just another white liberal reddit whore who deserve what gets


Give Me Some Money
because she's a typical liberal reddit cunt who posts in r/childfree. Excerpts from one of her snarky typical posts there:

"So we're sitting down to potluck lunch one day and of course the conversation turns to one of their kids,"

"What part of your brain shuts down when you procreate"

Just another white liberal reddit whore who deserve what gets
I don't understand why not wanting kids warrants her getting hate I guess.


It sounds like you guys are projecting some personal shit onto this lady. Who gives a shit if someone doesn't want kids? It's not even that she hates children, she has dedicated her life to educating kids.
It’s not about projection, it’s about laughing and punching down on people who appear weak and pass judgment on others.

It’s not personal, it’s just trolling
It sounds like you guys are projecting some personal shit onto this lady. Who gives a shit if someone doesn't want kids? It's not even that she hates children, she has dedicated her life to educating kids.
"Dedicated her life", really? Like it's her one passion in life and not just a steady paycheck. Do you think every teacher thought it was their one true calling or they just couldnt think of anything else to do for work?

Not wanting kids is selfish. Someone sacrificed to make you, now return the favor.


Give Me Some Money
"Dedicated her life", really? Like it's her one passion in life and not just a steady paycheck. Do you think every teacher thought it was their one true calling or they just couldnt think of anything else to do for work?
The reason I wrote that is because her entire post is about how awful the kids are to her but she still loves teaching.
Not wanting kids is selfish. Someone sacrificed to make you, now return the favor.
Get the fuck out of here. That sounds like some caliphate-bullshit.
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