Supposed masculinity expert Jack Murphy AKA John Goldman spazes out when you mention his literal cuck behavior


Gen Z Boss And A Mini
I wouldn't be surprised if this dude is doing this on purpose. Internet Pickup\Masculinity gurus are shameless, and don't care if they're ridiculed a 1000 times if it generates one sale from an idiot, because they can live off that one sale. Their whole marketing is structured to reach the kind of idiot that would see the criticism as proof that he was a special guru that everyone was threatened by.

If I stuck a dildo up my ass anywhere in front of a camera I'd be looking over my shoulder for the rest of my life, hoping it would never appear. Everything about this just seems a little too much of a perfect gotcha moment. Anyone who has been paying attention for the past 6 years should know that "gotcha moments" are how you go viral with no effort. Trump made it part of his whole campaign.

My prediction is that you will see him market to the cucks on the left very shortly, and probably do very well. They will see right wing criticism as proof that he is a real soyman.
He didn't come out of nowhere and has been a spaz on twitter for years.

I do think it's weird that the video that started this all led directly to this. Why weren't these images leaked years ago? But at the same time, I don't think there's an active PUA community anymore. The people contacting this guy are simply lonely idiots.

I don't think any of this is good for him. My suspicion is that his kids are teenagers and can find him easily on the Internet and he doesn't want them seeing this.


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I don't think there's an active PUA community anymore. The people contacting this guy are simply lonely idiots.
So years ago I found a chatroom with a lot of PUAs hanging out in it. One of the guys had some kind of audio pickup program. I forget his name now, but he was in the news for shooting a woman in the face and I don't know what happened to him after that. He was a low tier guru but he was making sales. He was open about being a grifter, but in the "fake it till you make it" kind of way that's common with online marketers. He told me that all he had to do was spam it everywhere with the right keywords and he'd sell stuff. This was after he was ridiculed by Neil Strauss in a best selling book. He didn't care. It got him attention. The lonely idiots are searching for this stuff anyway - it's just a matter of hooking them in.


He didn't come out of nowhere and has been a spaz on twitter for years.

I do think it's weird that the video that started this all led directly to this. Why weren't these images leaked years ago? But at the same time, I don't think there's an active PUA community anymore. The people contacting this guy are simply lonely idiots.

I don't think any of this is good for him. My suspicion is that his kids are teenagers and can find him easily on the Internet and he doesn't want them seeing this.
The guy was third tier with enough networking to appear on second tier podcasts. The video was awesome enough to go viral and get lots of attention, so I just think nobody gave enough of a shit about the guy until now.

Here's a new tidbit from Kiwi. John's first wife is currently married to his former coworker. Cucked in all 3 holes.


Gen Z Boss And A Mini


Highlight at 30:50 where his girlfriend channels Norm; "Explain to the folks at home what watersports is..."



[SIZE=13px]"y'know it's funny, i've heard homophobic slurs leveled my way due to my lifestyle, but i think to myself, heh, if you wanna push a progressive mindset and become an intellect, you best be willing to push your backside into another man's meat. homophobia? heh, that's a band i ain't frontin'"[/SIZE]
Damn I’ve missed these.
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Highlight at 30:50 where his girlfriend channels Norm; "Explain to the folks at home what watersports is..."


I saw that stream posted and didn't really watch it, but I'm listening now. I'm glad he acknowledged the jew's dick is pathetic. Louie CK level.


Charming, funny, and witty, atalker.
I'd say Gavin went pretty easy on him probably because Gavin is also a right winger who has video out there of him shoving stuff up his ass.
In the video he mentions that he wouldn't want a video of him fucking his wife to be found by his kids.

Gavin, there's a video of you sticking a dildo up your arse to own the libtards.

Edit: say video one more time, motherfucker.
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Gen Z Boss And A Mini
Didn't Cernovich write an article about what it's like to fuck a tranny, or was that fake?
It's real.

Though he said that it was originally a reader story. I 100% do not believe him, because I read it when he posted it and that edit, along with the "scary" text was not originally there.

In-depth article here:

In 2012, he wrote a post on Danger & Play called “What is Sex with a Tranny Like.” By my count, it has been through at least four different versions. I’m told the story was first published as a matter of fact blog entry. When his readers made fun of him, he posted an update that said “LOL, guys, this is not my story. It’s from a reader.” He later changed it to clarify that he is into “rough sex with women.” Even more recently, he has changed it yet again to a “guest submission” that he claims was posted to a messageboard.
Truth or not? YOU DECIDE!