Some nigger is live stream killing people right now in Memphis.


Gen Z Boss And A Mini
Not the same thing. You just need to look at that board to see they killed other nigs over drugs or over some family hoodrat feud. I'm talking about going out in public and shooting unknowns.
Maybe you had a point 40 years ago. But see, the great thing about diversity, is that even our "random mass shooters" now are diverse! AND we get good food.


Gen Z Boss And A Mini
When this nigger goes on trial, I hope he doesn't fall asleep. Because if so, a mistrial can be declared. It happened in California.

A California judge, the scion of a powerful Democratic family, granted an ex-con a mistrial for an alleged violent McDonald’s robbery because he was sleepy in court and couldn’t take proper notes, Fox News Digital has learned.

His court-appointed defense lawyer, Alan Nakasone, argued that Banks couldn’t take adequate notes during a court session because he had been put in a cell without a blanket or bed the night before and was unable to sleep properly.
The argument was enough for Lowenthal, who ripped the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department for negligence and granted the mistrial request.


“Essentially this Court has lost complete confidence in the Sheriff Department’s ability to provide proper housing arrangements,” he said. “A mistrial is declared.”

Lowenthal is an interesting surname. I wonder what its origin is?


Glow nigger. Got any of those IPs for me?


This forum saved my life!
👍🏿👍🏿👍🏿👍🏿👍🏿👍🏿s!!! has replaced ******s (I'd have chosen a thumbs-down personally)
View attachment 63975
How do the likes of norton continue to associate with this unhinged piece of shit? He's one of the few legit hateful racists I've come across. Joe derosa was right in cutting him off years ago, he saw the truth when everyone else waved his racism off as a bit. "What will my black friends think?" Yes indeed joe, you have integrity unlike the worm.


I Am Racist Man Leader of the Digital Ku Klux Klan
How do the likes of norton continue to associate with this unhinged piece of shit? He's one of the few legit hateful racists I've come across. Joe derosa was right in cutting him off years ago, he saw the truth when everyone else waved his racism off as a bit. "What will my black friends think?" Yes indeed joe, you have integrity unlike the worm.
Derosa is still a faggot, but he was right. Nana's foaming at the mouth racism, even to me is just boring. How can one person waste so much energy on something he can't change at all? You don't like spooks? Move away from them, but don't keep deliberately exposing yourself to everything that will piss you off.


Gen Z Boss And A Mini
If any of you want to see the video -- it's not that graphic, but you get to hear this monkey speak.



Big Time
I watched the Christchurch Livestream and honestly wish I hadn't. I've seen plenty of beheading videos that make my skin crawl, but there's something extra evil about walking into a church and murdering innocent men, women, and children. I have no idea how these people can function normally in society and fly under the radar then suddenly do something like that.

They were all men. The only woman that got hit was at the end as he was walking to his car.


Gen Z Boss And A Mini

Sounds like there's a bunch of swatting going on in Memphis now. There were some youths posting somewhere earlier today that they were going to continue the spree from last night. All unconfirmed except that someone is screwing with the cops.

View attachment 64130
Video of some of the people making these threats here:

I'm sure this will be used against them in to the fullest extent of the law.


Glow nigger. Got any of those IPs for me?
Video of some of the people making these threats here:

I'm sure this will be used against them in to the fullest extent of the law.
And that could be what's screwing the cops right now if everyone is calling them about the video.

Gay Faggot.

I am Dan.
Video of some of the people making these threats here:

I'm sure this will be used against them in to the fullest extent of the law.
Wonder who built the vehicle they’re driving.
Video of some of the people making these threats here:

I'm sure this will be used against them in to the fullest extent of the law.
Who can even understand what mush-mouth was yammering about? "Ahhhs yabba baba dabba hoo woo dabba habba blabba"...yeah, sure Tyrone.