Some nigger is live stream killing people right now in Memphis.

This is all Biden’s fault.

If trump were elected he would have given $500 million to blacks and this would have never happened.
It's a cultural thing. Guns and violence are woven into the very fabric of black culture. They openly glorify and celebrate it, it's mainstream pop-culture at this point, as is their disdain for human life. This shooter was convicted of attempted first-degree murder just two years ago, which tells you how much those charges mean in that community.


Glow nigger. Got any of those IPs for me?
It's a cultural thing. Guns and violence are woven into the very fabric of black culture. They openly glorify and celebrate it, it's mainstream pop-culture at this point, as is their disdain for human life. This shooter was convicted of attempted first-degree murder just two years ago, which tells you how much those charges mean in that community.
Twitter said he had a warrant issued today for 1st degree. For what it's worth. Probably didn't give a fuck.


Glow nigger. Got any of those IPs for me?
Not everyone on twitter sucks.


Glow nigger. Got any of those IPs for me?
And this is why I struggle to feel bad for that lady out jogging at 4am. The fuck did you think would happen. Memphis was short something like 600 cops a few years ago because they had a law that said you have to live in the actual fucking city. Can't live in Germantown where white people live... you had to live in the city. Well you have a city of niggers to choose from, good luck

19 they had so many shootings on the interstate that state troopers were set up at every exit to pull people over. Something like 19k arrests over the summer for warrants, drugs, and weapons and most were probably let out for covid. 20 it was happening again and state troopers said fuck you if you're not going to patrol your own shit we're not doing it for you.

Problem with Memphis as opposed to Chicago, Detroit, or Baltimore is there's nowhere to go. Little Rock is like 3 hours. Nashville 3. Stl 3. The urban has been so gentrified that the suburbs are now shitholes because the corporate landlords bought up everything and they're stacking 4 families per house.

Only benefit is if you want to do 90-100mph on the interstate and get an alignment every 6 months you can.

They made paying fines racist and if you were on a suspended license you could still drive. Because why the fuck not. It was racist for the black dude to pay his fines and get his license back.


Checking in with the local GOP

Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee on Monday celebrated what he called a "monumental" day for the state and his term, signing two bills tied to his signature cause of criminal justice reform.

Flanked by supporters, Lee formally signed into law measures to divert more people away from state prisons and to expand support services for people who are leaving prisons after serving their sentences.

The governor struck a triumphant tone, saying the new laws would help generations of Tennesseans. He predicted it would break cycles of crime and punishment and keep families intact.